Apr 26, 2005 00:34
I am just now getting back from the Coffee house with Travis. Man I love that boy. We sat and talked, and wrote some shit as well, and it was wonderful. I wrote a poem, and considering I busted it out in about 15 minutes, I am rather proud of it. I may revise it and put it on here ... who knows. Right now my head feels so clear, and it hasn't for the last few days, so I am happy about that.
Caffeine consumed today = 8-10 Mountain Dews, and a huge ass cup of Irish Mocha. Can you say wired?? I believe so.
I am really excited for the play to go up this week. I had so much fun today at rehearsal, it just rocked to have all makeup and costumes and shit finally.
I am going to start writing again ... not that any of you really give a shit ... just thought I would say that.
There is something that I am thinking about doing, it really has a minimal amount of bad that could come from it, but I am still questioning whether I should do it or not. I am not going to tell people who don't know what it is, which is everyone but a certain someone, but leave any sort of suggestions that you may have if you would like, it would be appreciated. If not, whatever, I am sure I will be able to figure it out eventually.