Twenty-first Lotus

May 31, 2010 21:57

[The writing is a little more tidy than normal, he's being official.]

The person killing others is dead. There is no need to panic.

Zombie was killing people before he was taken down by an extremely large crab, but he has been stopped now.

The injured and the dead are being taken to Wellspring. Please do not swarm it; the healers have much to do with somewhere around twenty injured and ten dead. We do not have the exact numbers or all of the names yet.

The scene is being taken care of by the people who are supposed to be here. Please do not come and gawk, because I think that would make Stoneface yell more.

Thank you.

~burn, -derrick, being official, -fred, ~lotus, -pollux, -lance, -castor, watch business, -kagerou, stoneface, -lea/axel

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