[The writing is much slower than normal. He's taking his time.]I do not know that there is anything more to say on the topic of me. I am Maito Gai, the Green Beast of Konoha, teacher of Lee, Neji, and Tenten, Eternal Rival to Kakashi, summoner of Ninkame, shinobi of Konohagakure. What you have seen and met is me. I teach and I train and I fight.
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You think we can visit? For realsies?
For realsies! I knew that we would find a way for those to go home who wished to and those to stay who wished to! I know that we will see each other again!
It's a wonder you made it here with a unicorn to lose.
[[ooc: The comment goes up at first whole, and then Gai hastily scratches out 'there' and adds 'sooner'. Even though he needs to somehow let the Spamily know to say good bye, he doesn't want to out Bell this openly.]]
I'm always late. You know this, Gai.
And maybe it always has been like that, underneath the underneath. But neither ofno one looked there.
I regret that.
I love you, Kakashi. And I have loved you for years. I do not know when it began, but it began long before the Tree brought us here. My reasons for not saying before are the same, but at least while we are still here we have this.
We can't stay here forever, though.
I will not keep you from your duty.
But for as long as you are willing, I will treasure the time, be it a few hours or days.
Yeah, we'll make good use of the time we have together.
And I still say you should probably rest here a while longer. Before just jumping ahead. There is no need to rush!
Lee, what do you know about what's to come...?
I. I know a few things. Our team just returned to the village but it had already been under attack for quite some time. Hinata-san was in critical condition....
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