I've been nauseous in the morning for a while now. I thought it was the vanilla rice dream I was having with my cereal, but now I'm not sure. I think it may be the new medication, which sucks because it's really helping my reflux, but between reflux and nausea, I'll take reflux, thanks. I could barely choke down anything for breakfast and lunch yesterday, and today doesn't seem better. I haven't thrown up, but only just. This kinda sucks. If I didn't already have my endoscopy tomorrow, I don't know what I'd do. I just hope they find something they can point to and say "aha! here's the problem!" and fix me.
If that wasn't enough, my depression has returned with a vengeance. I don't want to do anything except sleep. I don't want to watch movies, or play video games, draw, anything. I've forced myself into the studio to work the past few days only because I have impending deadlines.
Today I'm not sure I'm going to make it in at all. I think I may need to up my Welbutrin dosage.
Hopefully tomorrow things will at least find some sort of resolution after the Endoscopy.
At least not eating anything after midnight tonight isn't going to be a problem.