Jul 21, 2005 22:13
*falls on knees,beats ground, starts to cry!*
I SWEAR! This stupid book is THE WORST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ! If you ever come across a copy of Guns Germs and Steel....burn it quickly then dance on its ashes!
Jared Diamond may be a genius but he cant write a book worth a darn! It may actually be an interesting and good book that dosnt put you right to sleep the minute you open it if Jared Diamond could actually put what he was trying to say in a format that an average human being could understand or if he could stay on topic for more then a page! BUT HE CANT!
Oh this is not going to be a good year! You just wait... i see lots of screaming, crying, anger, cursing, no sleep, no life, and pulling out of hair in my future!
AHHHHHHHHHHH! *runs around in a circle*
And i would just like to say to everyone who isnt taking this class and esspically to everyone who WAS going to take the class but whimped out when they got the work...that i hate you forver and i think you are lazy butts! Okay i may not hate you forever but certinally until the end of the summer! And mostly i'd like to say to you....When i decided to take this STUPID AND MINDLESS class and swore that i was sticking to it...WHY THE HELL DIDNT YOU BEAT ME OVER THE HEAD WITH A HARD SOLID OBJECT AND BURN ALL MY WORK I'D DONE!
The failure to do this, my friends, is something that i can never forgive!
And to thoes who are bravely trudging through this with me i would just like to say thank you and i appreciate the fact that you all hate the book and think ms.swift is a loony! Also....WHY WERNT YOU SMART ENOUGH TO TALK ME AND YOURSELF OUT OF IT!?!?!?!?
Okay i feel much better now...no thats a lie... i really dont! I still have a crap load of work to do and NO TIME TO DO IT! My house has no air, i'm sweating like no tomarrow, i have a head ace, my back hurts, my finger hurts AND I HAVE TO GET UP EARLY! This, i must say, has been....without a doubt, THE WORST SUMMER OF MY LIFE!
Oh and if someone says something about how i didnt use an LJ cut then i will shoot you!
-Have a spiffy day! *sarcastic*