
Sep 23, 2002 19:53

I was suppossed to go to the game tonight but my mom doesn't wanna take me so I'm not going ( Read more... )

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spamy September 24 2002, 19:13:50 UTC
You know Ashley, just for your information. I was talking about a totally different person who hurt me. I was talking about that person ____. So yea, not you. That person. And I'm not making excuses, I don't do that. And I was/am sad. Just because something bad happens doesn't mean I have to go moping around all day. If that were true then I would have been already moping from hearing about Jack, then about you, followed by ____. I don't do that, or I try not to because I hate doing that and it just draws attention to me and I don't like attenion. And also, I don't go around being all depressed and sadened 24/7 like I'm guessing is what you think I should('ve) be(en) doing because it takes my mind off it. I don't like being sad at all. I may seem like I'm happy but down inside I'm not. If I were to let my true feelings of sadness or whatever show then I would just becmoe angry because when I'm sad I get mad and then I just yell at people and stuff and then they get mad and hurt and stuff. So I try to not think about the bad things. I ignore them. And I do think about the things I do and say to people. I think about them a lot. Maybe to much because apparently all they do is backfire. But when I don't think at all it all goes wrong too and I sound retarded. So I really don't know what I'm doing or what to do. And I always go into the other persons perspective to see how they see things and shit. But whatever. Everything I say never ever makes a difference.


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