i took baxter to work today 'cause he's sounding worse than ever, can't mew anymore, and has started coughing. dr miller said he may not ever get better and he's probably got chronic herpes. we can try a new antibiotic, put him back on baytril + clavamox, or try acupuncture. i'm so sad. my poor baby. on the way home he stood up in my lap and gave me kisses on my face. he's never done that. i think he knows i'm trying my hardest to get him better. poor baby, he even tried to talk to me but no noise came out! i love him so much.
i desperately want to buy my kids a cat tree. man, they'd have sooo much fun in one of those. i told jarred i'm gonna save up for one. he already said no. he's no fun. he also said no to the acupuncture. he's a mean dad. i'm gonna do it anyway. hey, what if it does work??
--Ebay... bidding is at $101
--"Tub Kitty Gym", $195
--$359 + $109 shipping/packaging (ripoff!!!)