Character Relations Meme! (stolen from Rivelata)

Jun 21, 2010 18:50

What is "character relations"?Building CR means that you, along with other muns from your game, build In Character relationships with one another. You post up your information, and others respond with what they can help you with, or cater to the needs your character needs or wants! This is a great way to meet and play with people outside of ( Read more... )

stupei needs a life, memes! everywhere!

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endless_avarice June 23 2010, 18:50:37 UTC
name → Shira
lj → theerokappa Yeah, I don’t use it.
peak rping hours → Mon, Wed, Thurs after 6 all other days whenever. Pretty free on weekends.
best way of contact → Aim: sixth clone
preferred method of rping → Anything
currently active characters → Dirge • endless_avarice ; TFA
Octane • gas_guzzler ; G1
Red Alert • paranoid_vigil ; G1
Skyfire • not_your_taxi ; G1
Thundercracker • thundercracked ; IDW

do want →
Dirge • endless_avarice Dirge’s ultimate goal besides owning anything and everything is actually finding balance for his personality. He has a few ideas on how to do this- his current favorite being taking a strong spark and installing it in himself. I’d like one of these to eventually work for a little while, but then fail. I like playing him the way he is- it wouldn’t be the same playing him totally balanced permanently.

→ (family related) Closest thing in the Nexus he has to family are the Hollow cons- who often end up looking after him even if they don’t really like him. XD He’s…young, even though he has an adult body- so he either needs people to tell him things or learn them the hard way. It would be cool if more of his brothers or sister came to the Nexus so he could learn more about family.

→ (friendship related) Dirge thinks of everything in terms of possession- and friends are no different. He wants to collect a lot of them… but don’t expect him to give much back. If he finds your company mutually beneficial then he will reciprocate.

→ (romance related) Oy. Well… he’s GREEDY and he knows he’s good looking. So…basically he’s very interested in interfacing. He has no idea what love is or why he should know anyhow- he’s a decepticon after all. Heaven help you if you catch his interest and you don’t want it. Larger more powerful mechs can of course easily convince him to go away with copious amounts of PAIN.

Octane • gas_guzzler

do want → Haha, I like to be able to play with Octane’s weird ‘What side am I on?’ problem. In his canon he’s been on both sides and he’s really confused now about where he wants to be. Possibly on neither so he can just do whatever he wants! Also the most fun ever is getting Octane into ridiculous situations- he’s just suited for them.

→ (family related) None, and he doesn’t really need one.

→ (friendship related) Ohgod he misses Sandstorm but he’ll never ever ever ever admit that. He needs more buddies to hang around with at the bar and sleaze around.

→ (romance related) Octane is….special. He’s a giant perv and as long as you’re female species doesn’t matter. He’s actually a really nice guy despite this- he’ll treat you chivalrously- you’ll just always know that interfacing is on his mind. I would not be opposed to him having a few jaunts with males either- but you’d have to convince him.

Red Alert • paranoid_vigil

do want → I’m actually super lost on how to play him at the moment. He’s so reactionary I have to sort of bounce him off the right people… but its incredibly hard to get him to do anything by himself. I honestly might drop him if I can’t figure out what to do.

→ (family related) He treats any autobots as his family, whether you like it or not. If you’re an autobot you will get nagged at to stay safe.

→ (friendship related) Ugh, who would want to be friends with Red? He would be a good friend if you could get past all the paranoia and wibble.

→ (romance related) …Inferno? I can see him being taken advantage of by other bots but… he’s really shy and crazy so I can’t imagine him going after someone else.


endless_avarice June 23 2010, 18:50:46 UTC

Skyfire• not_your_taxi

do want → Skyfire just wants friends- he’s so socially awkward and big and lonely… He also wants to quit his stupid taxi job and actually put his CPU to use.

→ (family related) Autobots? They were nice enough to take him in that one time after all…

→ (friendship related) Starscream used to be his friend? :{

→ (romance related) Let’s just say…. Skyfire can see the unicorn. He’s SO SHY and awkward it would take him forever to say he fancies someone. But if you like big cute shy derps then have at it!

Thundercracker• thunder_cracked

do want → He’s my newest character- but basically Thundercracker wants to find a purpose in life, to feel like he’s working towards something and not have to doubt his actions. He’s going to have a very hard time getting used to a place with no war.

→ (family related) Starscream and Skywarp are his brothers and he’ll always be protective of them- if not a little exasperated by their behavior.

→ (friendship related) Thundercracker can be a decent friend- he’ll always be the straight man for you crazy types. He’s very loyal to those he considers worth his time.

→ (romance related) He’s a jet- and used to trines- so he’s definitely polyamorous. He’ll always have a special place in his spark for Skywarp and Starscream, of course.

do NOT want → Dirge • Uh… Do whatever you want to him, really. I suppose permanent things would have to be discussed with me first.

Octane• Same as Dirge.

Skyfire • No killing- he’s a denizen. :3

Red Alert • Same as Dirge.

Thundercracker • Same as Dirge.

characters you are considering picking up? → Considering someone from War for Cybertron now that I’m playing it. :3


bymycalculation June 23 2010, 19:43:52 UTC
OMG baby lets do everything together.

But, more seriously...

I like where we're going with Magnum and Dirge. Magnum's learning a lot about how to steer people and I hope he's imparting a bit onto the jet in the process.

I also look forward to developing some sort of relationship between Octane and Namine, though I have no clue where THAT would go.

Skyfire with Jetfire has been really cute so far, too...

Which means I'll probably end up pestering Thundercracker with Jetstorm, now that I'm looking at the trend. *laughing* Blue jets at least is a commonality they'll have?

But really, you know you're awesome, and we talk all the time so lets just see where things go and steer the crazy boat in whatever directions it leads us...


endless_avarice June 23 2010, 20:02:35 UTC

Yes, their dynamic is not only fun to play but very educational for Dirge- who needs that kind of learnings.

XD I don't know where it will go either but its so cute and good for both of them?

I'm doing my best with Sky~ It will be interesting to see where things go. Awr, he feels so much more comfortable around someone like him.

You can if you want! He's a very big brother type so I think he would get along well with him. Jetstorm does need more jet friends.

Bah, you know how much I love ya. <3 Things will be awesome no matter what we do!


iplaywinner June 23 2010, 20:17:17 UTC
<3 You are so fun to play with and to hang out with.

I was reading Infiltration last night and have been inspired to try further beatings on people when they annoy me~ Granted, Megatron shot on that sort of thing. He hits hard, once, and if you don't die then he has you patched up. It makes me wonder if Magnum would be about the same...which...judging by events in Origins, seems likely. GAH sorry about extrapolating in your comments.

Also yes. Jetstorm=ecstatic about finding other flyers. Especially ones that aren't crazy.


endless_avarice June 23 2010, 20:24:33 UTC
Mrrrrr likewise. <33

Very yes on the beatings. Megatron sort of struck me as having a temper that suprised even him in Origins... So like after he'd beat the slag out of someone he'd be like 'Ugh, okay- I let that get a little out of hand.'

Have a human Dirge icon.


not_your_gun June 23 2010, 20:35:42 UTC
He was like that when he first came into the Nexus. x-x He's been trying to work on it, which I realize now means that it just hasn't been coming up as much. Now that he's got cons in his possession though and he doesn't have to worry as much about trying to recruit just to stay alive....

Beating times can happen. :3



endless_avarice June 23 2010, 20:54:20 UTC
Haha, it would be awesome to see him actually be trying to work on it- like doing it and being like 'I....need to take an anger management class'. XDD Yup, you have bunch of derps to beat up.



ichooseboth June 23 2010, 21:10:22 UTC
*makes grabby hands at Skyfire and Red Alerrrrt*

I love me some Skyfires. Like, unholy levels of love, especially with the big cute shy derp descriptors. *w* I used to play one, so that probably doesn't help. Optimus would ttly be buddies with him, once he was corrected on the 'not a Jetfire' naming bits. He's so sweet and squishy. <3

And Optimus could do with more Autobots! :D Even a paranoid security fellow.

...And Dirge/TC/Skyfire/whoever you like~ is/are welcome to run into a Jetlet anytime~


endless_avarice June 23 2010, 22:04:36 UTC
EE I actually have not really played with you in game yet methinks... I'd like some Autobot action. :3 Omg I noes Skyfire is so dork-cute. <3

>_< Red... I don't know about- he's hard to play proactively.

I think Dirge has harassed the Jetlet before... But the other two should.


okiefordokey June 23 2010, 23:50:19 UTC
Nooo, we have not played together, only geeked at each other in the chat! :D Clearly this must be fixed! I'd love for Optimus to run into Skyfire somehow - perhaps at the library? If you decide to stick with Red, I'm sure we could think of SOMETHING to get him to interactin', proactively or not. :3

Dirge or any of the others are more then welcome to interact with him. I'd love a not-so-friendly flight-fight between Jetfire and a con~


endless_avarice June 28 2010, 22:19:33 UTC
Oooo that would be totally cute. Sky would be pleasantly surprised.

XD Actually I think Dirge has had a fight with the jetlets before- remember? In Ratchet's clinic I believe.


okiefordokey June 29 2010, 06:27:41 UTC
-! Oh YES. So they did! Your memory is better then my own!

And Skyfire~ <3 So cute.


airspacecommand June 24 2010, 01:40:56 UTC
Starscream needs to harass Skyfire more.

And smack around Dirge or something.

And WfC for the win. I made a random Starscream journal from there to haunt d_m with.


endless_avarice June 28 2010, 22:20:52 UTC
He does- even though it makes Sky endlessly sad.

YES hurry up and find out that he's your air commander! >:3

XD You d_m addict! I have to think about who I would play.


cmdrstarscream June 24 2010, 10:49:37 UTC
/dangles Sentinel's innocence like a carrot in front of a horse

Octane...I almost want Starscream to pretend to be a girl jet to mess with him, but I'm not sure if that's too cracky? Starscream seems like the type who likes to prank, but misses out on the "joke" part of pranking. Starscream might also be fun to have around Skyfire, but I'm like zzzzz right now so ideas are not forthcoming.

I kind of want to see Red Alert and Sentinel do something. No idea what.

I love Thundercracker, idk how he'd deal with another Starscream?


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