Character Relations Meme! (stolen from Rivelata)

Jun 21, 2010 18:50

What is "character relations"?Building CR means that you, along with other muns from your game, build In Character relationships with one another. You post up your information, and others respond with what they can help you with, or cater to the needs your character needs or wants! This is a great way to meet and play with people outside of ( Read more... )

stupei needs a life, memes! everywhere!

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like_a_bossbot June 23 2010, 02:52:48 UTC
name → Stupei
lj → frogwolf
peak rping hours → Typically, after 7pm EST
best way of contact → aim • Stupei Iori
preferred method of rping → Both thread/logs, though threads will be tagged faster.
currently active characters → Optimus Prime • like_a_bossbot ; Transformers: Animated
Megatron • deceptivecon ; Transformers: 2007 movie / Revenge of the Fallen
Soundwave • sound_loyal ; Transformers: IDW
Blitzwing • highly_unstable ; Transformers: Animated
Perceptor • debt_to_pay ; Transformers: IDW

do want →
Optimus Prime • like a bossbot ; I'd really like for Optimus to develop his leadership abilities while he's in the Nexus. He's from very early canon, so he doesn't have much experience at all - Megatron hasn't been resurrected, so he doesn't even have that under his belt yet.

He has next to no self-confidence, even if he does have the spirit of a Prime. Considering his past failings, it's fairly easy to see why. He's not quick to share that he was expelled from the Autobot Academy, but the experience has certainly left its mark on him.

For some reason, he also seems to be a magnet for those smaller than him. He seems to have taken in Sari to an extent, Safeguard, a robotic virgin detector unicorn, and a fire lizard. His room is getting a little crowded.

→ [family related] Optimus would normally consider his team to be the closest he has to a family. Right now, he only has Sari - Which he does feel slightly awkward about, considering the differences in their timeline. The Optimus she knows doesn't sound like the one he thinks he is, particularly considering the Jetlets keep referring to him as Magnus.

Anyone who is a part of his team could easily rise to this status.

→ [friendship related] Optimus is trusting, probably to a fault. He likes to see the good in others when he can, even when they've done wrong by him (coughSentinelcough). If you make any effort to get to know him, you'll probably end up making friends. |D

He is certainly more wary of Decepticons, and it would be harder for him to establish any sort of relationship with them. It's in his training to distrust anyone who wears the Decepticon brand - but as he wasn't online during the war, he's also had very little of his own experience with them. He only really knows what he's seen in the history vids and in his brief dealings with Starscream, Lugnut and Blitzwing. Feel free to try and change his mind.

→ [romance related] If the unicorn is any indication, Optimus is not exactly romantically inclined.

The only one he even has any interest in is Blackarachnia/Elita. He doesn't think she'd be interested in him that way, considering the way she constantly uses him and tells him that she hates him - but there is that little bit of hope that one day, their relationship can be repaired, even if only to be friends once again.


Oh fuck it. Ignore that html fail. like_a_bossbot June 23 2010, 03:00:08 UTC
Megatron • deceptivecon ; Giant spikey leader of the Tyran Decepticons. I honestly am not sure where I am going with this bastard, as this is really not the ideal place for him to be. He already has severe issues with imprisonment and identity, so this entire experience has been extremely frustrating for him.

He also doesn't have his Prime here, so he doesn't have that main rival to play off of. He doesn't really care for the other Primes, unless they're getting in his face.

I'm kind of... questioning whether or not I plan to keep him, to be quite honest.

→ [family related] lolwhut. Family? Megatron?

As for his faction, Megatron is of the opinion he doesn't need to recruit. Those who are worthy of him will prove themselves, but he will certainly not seek anyone out to join with him.

→ [friendship related] Megatron... again, doesn't really do the 'friend' thing. He's actually somewhat paranoid, thanks to the tampering The Fallen did to his processor - He doesn't allow others to get close enough to be a liability, nor does he have a desire to. So long as you do what he wants, he's happy enough.

→ [romance related] Uhh... I'm not sure why you'd want to, but you would have a very hard time doing this. Feel free to try, but convincing Megatron to trust you in this respect will be extremely difficult.

If you're just looking for a more physical satisfaction, he will probably indulge you if you approach him the right way, and do something to please him beforehand. And no, I don't mean physically please. B|

Soundwave • sound_loyal ; Probably the most altered of my characters in the Nexus, Soundwave has been through a lot since his arrival.

The most noticeable of these changes has been the addition of emotional programming, which he honestly does not know what to do with. A lot of the time, he doesn't understand what the feedback is telling him, and will imitate others, hoping that it will satisfy the needs of the programming.

→ [family related] Soundwave's only 'family' are his cassettes. He feels extremely empty without them, though he would never admit it. Threaten him all you want, but the moment you say something against one of his cassettes, be prepared to deal with the consequences.

→ [friendship related] This is a bit more difficult. Soundwave does not go out of his way to make friends. He doesn't really have friends.

There are people/mechs of interest, who have information or services he feels he might require. Unfortunately, the addition of emotions to the mix has made it harder for him to separate himself from his work - With the right manipulating, he may actually come to be friends with someone.

→ [romance related] Soundwave always prided himself as being detached. Interfacing was a service he was capable of providing, and it was an effective payment for information he required.

While he would like to pretend he still feels the same, that's not entirely true. He will do what he feels is necessary for information, but he finds it much harder to separate himself from the situation.

He has an intense loyalty to Magnum, which he may misinterpret as being the desire for a more intimate relationship. Even he is not entirely sure what he wants, but he feels best when his leader is happy. If he can bring that about, all the better.

Blitzwing • highly_unstable ; A deranged German Decepticon with multiple personality disorder. He tends to lurk and appear when he is least wanted. I don't know.

→ [family related] Blitzwing doesn't have a family. He has his other selves to keep him company.

→ [friendship related] His only 'friend' really is Lugnut. But I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who want to be friends with him? ;3;

→ [romance related] You are going to have a very difficult run of getting romance out of this one. Because Hothead will probably pop up in the middle of your date and torch your meal.


like_a_bossbot June 23 2010, 03:02:23 UTC
Perceptor • debt_to_pay ; Perceptor hasn't formally introduced himself to the game yet, but he is around. For those unfamiliar with IDW canon, he is not the scientist that most people remember from G1. After being nearly killed by a Decepticon, he reformatted himself for battle and took up the position of sharpshooter.

At the moment, he's working a security job with Drift for a wealthy mech in one of the upper zones.

He's extremely quiet, unlike his former self. He only speaks when it's important, and often says far more with a pointed glance.

While he hasn't forsaken science as completely as others may think, it will be difficult for him to turn back now. He's out of practice with that sort of thing, and it's really... not a priority to him anymore. Perceptor will work on problems as needed, but he is no longer a researcher by trade.

→ [family related] He has none. He feels strongly for Kup, who is technically his responsibility since his re-build. But he has no real 'family' in the Nexus.

→ [friendship related] He's very quiet, and it takes a lot of work to get him to open up. He's suffered a lot of loss, and he doesn't particularly want to deal with more.

→ [romance related] Again, you will have a job of making him open up to you.

do NOT want → Optimus Prime • like_a_bossbot ; Derpy is up for anything, though discuss with me for anything more serious. Have at.

Megatron • deceptivecon ; He honestly does not need to kidnap anyone else. He's already kidnapped Mikaela twice. |D He is not going to take anyone unless they have something that he needs, that he can't simply remove from them.

Killing, maiming, torturing, feel free to approach me about - That's what Megsy does best. But unless you have a damned good reason, he will probably not kidnap your character.

Soundwave • sound_loyal ; Soundwave. Oh Soundwave. He really has had to deal with just about everything. So if you want to do something with him or to him, it's probably fine.

Blitzwing • highly_unstable ; Blitzwing can handle most anything you can throw at him - Probably in some bizarre and unanticipated way. Except dying. He's all... denizen-y, and won't come back. :<

Perceptor • debt_to_pay ; Percy is new. He's game for anything. :|b Except dying.

characters you are considering picking up? → None, at the moment. My slots are full. /snrrk


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debt_to_pay June 23 2010, 05:03:33 UTC
Perceptor isn't particularly keen on science at this point. You'll have to do some convincing that his help is really required beforehand.

Getting him to talk will probably be even harder. |D He's borderline mute through All Hail Megatron. He probably has a touch of PTSD, thanks to the Decepticons.


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debt_to_pay June 23 2010, 06:22:10 UTC
I doubr Perceptor would agree that what happened to him was small. |D He's not a big talker about anything, but even less so about what happened to him. ;-;


inursatellites June 23 2010, 05:10:42 UTC
Optimus, you, the jets, and Ironhide need to go take that Batman-esque "camping trip" down into the low zones. He could be a hero there! Get his confidence boosted! Something!

... and Soundwave will please Megatron in whichever way possible, as often as possible. Except for the whole "satellite virus" issue. That probably won't go over well.


like_a_bossbot June 23 2010, 05:16:01 UTC
Camping! That trip will be excellent, for sure. Teach him lots, Arnhaid.

And he will deal. Probably kick you around a bit.


inursatellites June 23 2010, 05:20:41 UTC
I really want to do that |3 If the jets are, we need to, once we're robots again.

... he'll take it and like it. Just like always.


inursatellites June 23 2010, 05:21:07 UTC

Dammit, self.


iplaywinner June 23 2010, 23:19:14 UTC


okiefordokey June 24 2010, 00:14:06 UTC
x2! 8D


show_my_cannons June 24 2010, 01:19:51 UTC



autobot June 23 2010, 06:57:11 UTC


debt_to_pay June 23 2010, 07:15:34 UTC

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