Feb 26, 2017 12:04
March of 2015 was the last time that I posted here and now it's November February of 2017. Eight months 23 months is not too bad considering that I have become further and further removed from other 'social media' sites as well as close as you can get to two years without being two years. Wow, that's long time!
Things are going well. I recently developed a bed bug problem that I solved by purchasing Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth - finely ground fossils that somehow wipe out the little bastards pretty well. Hopefully they'll remain gone as they are truly disgusting house guests. update - Yeah, that didn't work. Nothing worked. I had to abandon the place and all of my worldly possessions in order to escape the nasty little asexual fuckers.
I've been working at the fire sprinkler job for two years now as of last month and, to be honest, it's getting a little old. I'd prefer to do something else but haven't yet determined what exactly that may be. update - I stupidly quit that job in November of '15 without having anything lined up and remained unemployed, with a couple of short term jobs thrown in, for a year. Rough year. Spent five months in a homeless shelter but things worked out and I'm now living in my own (BEDBUG FREE!!!) place again, this time in Dania Beach. I am loving this place and wish I had thought to move here sooner. And I'm working a job that I like very much that is about 10 minutes away by bus, M-F 7-3:30. Sweet hours.
God bless, see ya next time!
#bedbug #firesprinkler # nobedbugs #newd