Apr 07, 2006 23:12
so fo those of you who don't know, i got a new job recently...receptionist for Ottawa Fire Services. Yeah for working for the city!!! The only problem is that i'm only a temp for now and as such, i am not entitled to benefits, which is a real problem for someone who is diabetic. i was looking into insurance plans today, and no one will cover me since i have 'a pre-existing condition' except one plan, and it won't be worth it since they only cover me up to $800. thats only 2 months! not worth paying $100 a month for! at least i'll soon be on my way being debt free!!! hopefully i can get on with a permanent position soon cuz then i can get benefits and i'll be able to pay off my dept faster. we'll see. in other news, i have absolutely no drive to work a home depot anymore. everytime i go in to work (i'm working part time there still) i just want to go home. i really don't give a shit anymore. i've been late for work 2 days in a row now. although, at least once (if not both times) it wasn't really my fault. anyways. here's hoping that this time next year, i can be debt free and moved out. Montreal here i come!!!