I am probably in denial. I have to do a seven page religion report on a topic of which I have yet to decide. I'm pretty much screwed into writting the whole thing at once today or tomorow because 1 I never handed any in before vacation so I have to have something done. 2 I don't like writing just part because that is crap. I will still just hand in however many pages early, but I'm not going to start it just to leave it a mess until it's done. Then, I have about (I just thought of 'aboot' for some reason) five impossible physics labs. (picture of me taking out physics stuff while mission imposible music plays.) But mr. mullen's wife died. I feel soooooo bad. However we may not even have class cause he might not be there. I also when going home today saw all these little trees along the road because, natrually of course, after the first for most people out they go. How dumb is that actually? You buy a tree like it's a bar of soup from walmart and after the holiday season kiss it's once rooted sump goodbye. Besides, we can always just buy another one next year.
I am incredibly bored, I want to write something and I have some ideas just not the... words. I am desperatly hoping desperate housewives is on tonight, I am addicted to the most overly dramatic show in america.
http://www.fictionpress.com/~amayadwyn -- somethings to read
http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com -- MUwha.