My videos

Sep 20, 2008 22:37

Okay, so here are some of the video I've made since 2005, some of them slash, some other gen or humour. Hope you'll enjoy them !

That's a Torchwood one (the pairing is Jianto) with a song by George Michael. I'm putting it first because it's my only Torchwood vid for the moment. Spoilers only for the first season.

Fanfictions teasers (I didn't post those two fanfictions yet because they're not finished. But you can find them on !)

Hommes Sweet Hommes (songs by Mika and Thirteen Senses). Rated R I supposed... (some images from a random gay movie called Latter Days)


Everyday, the first McShep part of the fic anyway (song by Tokio Hotel. Yes, shame on me ^^)

Main Credits, Teen Version. (song : Boyfriend, by Ashlee Simpson)

Comme d'Habitude (As Usual), a sad McBeck video (Rodney saying to Carson "our couple is getting boring") . The song is by Claude François.

McBeck BSG (a McBeck shortvid on the main title of Battlestar Galactica)

McShep Colorblind (a McShep vid on the Colorblind song by The Counting Crow. N&B with piano images)

McShep - My Sweet Prince (song by Placebo. A very Angsty McShep video)

McBeck - Goodbye my lover (a Sunday video. Song by James Blunt)

McBeck - Embrasse-moi (song by Placebo. I should have put an R rating to this actually. The lyrics translate as "kiss me, put your finger in my ass" ^^)

Sheppard/every single hole in the Galaxy - Vibrator (song by Indochine. Rated R too I suppose)

McBeck - My Angel Gabriel (song by Lamb, it's how Carson and Rodney protect  and care deeply about each other)

McBeck & McBrown - Une Chanson d'Ami (Song by Zazie. Rodney is dating Katie Brown and Carson is jealous. Pretty angsty, as it's like Carson is jealous despite the fact that he's dead)

Carson - His Name is Lancelot (Carson is gay, and he's not fooling anyone, is he ?). Humor, pink, a bit of slash and sillyness. Song by Spamalot.

McShep - Seul et Célibataire (song by the Fatals Picards. John dumped Rodney. but Rodne is fine. Really, he is)

That's all for the time being, but I'm making a very angsty vid (so angsty I think you can call it AU) so...

mcbeck mcshep music videos vive les unas

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