Aug 22, 2013 18:34
Caryn from Hamburg
DS code: 1177-7329-4261
Native Fruit: Apple
What I Want
-Gorgeous Gracie Series (need: Chest, Lamp, Counter, Table)
-Cabin Series
-Sloppy items (not sofa, dresser, bed or tv)
-Marshal's picture
-Mira's picture
-Bianca's picture
-Sea Globe
-Sand Castle
-Anything nature-themed (I already have sprout table, leaf bed, but you get the idea!)
What I Have
-Full Lovely Set
-Full Rococo Set
-Full Minimalist Set
-Full Regal Set
-Full Spooky Set
-Sprout Table
-Sprout Bed
-Aurora Screen
-Cherry Blossom Clock (JP DLC)
-Kagamimochi (JP holiday)
-Hinaningyo (JP Holiday)
-Blossom Lantern (JP DLC)
-Rolling Suitcase
-Cat Tower
-Fireworks Table
-Carp Banner (JP DLC)
-Emperor's Cap (JP holiday)
-Girls Day Updo (JP holiday)
-Perfect Apples