Watchmen (Super Sentai) Five Kink Meme

May 31, 2010 16:17

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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What Women Want 4/6 anonymous May 1 2012, 10:16:50 UTC
He wakes on the workbench with a lamp shining down on him. All of his clothing down to the waist is gone, except for his mask, and he feels exposed and panicky. "Daniel?" He croaks, hating the cracked and needy way the word comes out.

"Right here, buddy. As far as I can tell you just dropped from sheer stress. Have you even eaten today?"

"Yes," Walter mutters, knowing that the two small bites he did have wouldn't count as far as his partner is concerned.

"So you've technically ingested food, just not enough to keep this from happening." Daniel sighs, frustration and disappointment and concern all coloring the air they're so heavy.

"Digusting thoughts. Lost appetite. Water?"

"Right here." He holds out a glass, and Walter sits up to take it. He feels stiff, like he's done much more or much less today than he has. "I'm pretty sure that's stress-related too."

Walter nods, guzzling the water. He's been clenched like a fist all day, and this is certainly the inevitable result. "I took some blood and tissue samples, but I really don't know where to start if we don't know what hit you."

"Should go back to the scene. Look for clues there."

"I've already been by. They had to identify that guy by his dental records. There's not much left.'

Walter growls, and finishes the water, getting up and wobbling a little. "Where are my clothes?"

"I really don't think you ought to wear them, buddy. Really, the mask makes me uneasy," he holds up a hand to forestall Walter's snarl, "and I know it's non-negotiable."

"Already contaminated. Where are my clothes?"

Daniel sighs, and hands over the clothes. They've been laundered, of course. Unknown and hazardous chemicals fecklessly mixed with things that will touch Daniel's own skin. He shudders as he pulls them on, grateful beyond measure for the silence in his skull. A faint mumbling makes him turn his head. "Did you say something, Daniel?"

"Uh, no. I was just thinking about whether or not talking to Heather would help and if her parents would even let us. What?" He blinks, and Walter struggles to speak, just making some garbled noises. "Rorschach?"

And Daniel is so worried about him, and picturing Heather's house with the precision of an architect, and Walter groans and falls to his knees. "I can hear your thoughts!" he screams as Daniel comes closer, hands over his ears like that will help.

"What?! You said it was only women!"

"Has been." He stares up at his partner, helpless behind his mask. "Daniel, why am I hearing you?"

"Fuck," Daniel whimpers, and there's suddenly a flood of embarrassing childhood memories and pornographic images that mercifully flick by too fast for Walter to distinguish much. And then there's just some circuits. Endless and soothing, and then nothing but murmuring again. "Is that better?"

"Yes." He picks himself up slowly. "W-will be able to sustain that?"

"I think so. Come on."


Re: What Women Want 4/6 anonymous May 1 2012, 15:23:49 UTC
This is brilliant!


Re: What Women Want 4/6 anonymous May 1 2012, 22:35:46 UTC

Poor long-suffering Dan... good on him for being able to see through Ror's technically-but-not-really-truthful answers. xD

And what's this new development now?! *mashes F5 key like a mashing thing*


Re: What Women Want 4/6 brancher May 2 2012, 05:34:13 UTC

this is fantastic, anon. Daniel is such a female man.


Re: What Women Want 4/6 anonymous May 3 2012, 01:52:25 UTC


What Women Want 5/6 anonymous May 7 2012, 11:37:12 UTC
It's a nice house, and he wipes his feet without thinking about it at the irrational and inappropriate little flare from Heather's mother, who holds the girl tightly as Nite Owl wipes his boots behind them, both of them beyond out of place here. "Uh, sorry to intrude, Mrs. Henderson. We just need to ask Heather some questions." It's like cold rain on his soul, doubts and questions, flashes of rage and self-reproach and under all of it a cell-deep love that aches in its intensity, one priceless piece of blown glass to hold up the universe. He wobbles on his feet, and Nite Owl catches him, supports him. Explains their presence, and settles them on the couch, asking Heather the first few questions. She can't tell them much, but they do get a description. A tall man who brought something, and talked to the man in the white coat. There are pictures in her mind and in Daniel's too, and Walter is still dizzy when they leave.

"You all right, man?"

"No. Why am I seeing the pictures in your head, Nite Owl?"

"I have no idea. Maybe it's broadening in scope?"

"Couldn't hear his thoughts. Only yours with Heather's. And her mother's."

He hisses. "Don't envy you that. She must want to kill us."

"Very worried," Walter mutters.

"What mother wouldn't be?" And Daniel's sudden stab of awkwardness in the silence that follows makes Walter flush under his mask. "...Oh."

"Yes. Come on." He straightens up and leads the way. They have a black market chemical supplier to find.

It takes them all night, but they're possessed now, Walter battered by women's thoughts and pains and fears and joys and he can't bear it. He will lose his mind if this goes on beyond tonight, and strangely enough as the hours wear on, Daniel's thoughts are actually helping. At least they're not totally alien. He would rather have no one else in his skull, where it's crowded enough with him and Rorschach and the boxes and boxes of bad memories, but at least he knows Daniel. They're quieter, too. And more intermittent. Daniel cannot be thinking less, but less is bridging the gap. That there's any makes no sense, but he'll take what he can get.

The basement lab is deserted at first, Walter pacing as Daniel pores over the notes about the racks of test tubes and beakers of unidentifiable fluids, but its owner comes back with some muscle in tow. Now the two of them are back to back, set in their close-combat rhythm. This is not an easy situation, but they've been in worse and Walter can afford a brief moment of surprise at the feeling of Daniel actually trying to reach him. It's more intimate that he wants anything to be, but it's clear enough. Test tube on your left. Blue. Antidote. He snatches it up and stoppers it as Daniel kicks over a table and drags him out. Walter can't help but snarl at the missed opportunity, but Daniel shakes his head.

"Oh, hell no. We are taking no chances. We can get them after you're back to normal. ...And I can get some tests run, because let me guess, you couldn't hear any of them, either."

He nods, and sighs, looking dubiously at the faintly blue fluid in the tube. "Should I drink it?"

"No! God no, it's an injection and all of that would kill you."

Walter is touched by how much the idea horrifies Daniel. "Thank you, Daniel."

Daniel laughs. "For being me?"


And then there's nothing but soothing circuits, all the way back to the Owl's Nest. He has to strip down to his undershirt for the shot, and sits there on the workbench, watching Daniel fretfully fill a small syringe, muttering to himself. "Okay. Okay, this should do it. Shit."

Walter gestures to the spot on his arm where the alcohol is drying. "Do it."

Daniel nods, and slides the needle in. It barely hurts, but the fluid stings as it disperses. "So. Uh." He pulls the needle out and blots up the drop of blood, putting a band-aid over the tiny wound. "That should do it, but it might accelerate a little, and will take at least half and hour to fade completely."

Walter nods, and stretches, stopping dead at the sudden flash from Daniel. Of wanting to touch him, and wondering just where the freckles begin and end. "What?!" He shrieks, and Daniel cringes.

"I'm sorry! Christ, I'm so sorry!"


Re: What Women Want 5/6 anonymous May 8 2012, 01:10:58 UTC
Whoaa - I wasn't expecting that - awesome! I guess Dan let the thoughts slip too quickly after the injection XD;;


Re: What Women Want 5/6 anonymous June 25 2012, 09:52:57 UTC
LOVE! More! Please!


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