Watchmen (Super Sentai) Five Kink Meme

May 31, 2010 16:17

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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Untitled Fill (5/6?) anonymous December 17 2011, 00:19:01 UTC
Daniel doesn’t taste like much of anything, just skin and a light tang of salt. He’s a little disappointed at that, but he’s not sure what exactly what he was expecting. Walter likes the noise he makes, though, so he drags his tongue up Daniel’s neck, slowly, sinfully.

Daniel whimpers, the sound high pitched and needy. It sends a bolt of heat straight to his stomach and it’s almost painful how good it feels. Daniel’s nails dig into his skin, little pinpricks of something that’s almost pain.

“Ohh, god, oh god, Rorschach…”

Walter frowns and bites down again, this time higher up on his neck, near his jaw.

“Walter,” he says insistently.

“Right, right.” Daniel almost laughs, his hands coming up to either side of Walter’s face. They kiss again, no tongues this time, but the sharp heat that curls in his stomach is no less potent for that. “Walter,” Daniel whispers in the space between their lips. He says it softly, gently, affectionately. No one has ever said Walter’s name like that before, like he’s someone that matters.

Everything seems sharper and more there, Daniel’s hands on his face and his hair more real than anything he’s ever felt in his entire life. Walter knows without a shadow of a doubt that this is the happiest moment of his life.

He doesn’t realize he’s said it out loud until Daniel’s eyes go wide. His mouth does something strange, like Daniel isn’t sure if he wants to smile or frown.

“I… really? Um… wow, man, I don’t, uh… I don’t know what to say. Um. I’m flattered.” Daniel settles for smiling, but it's strained. Walter wants to say that it’s not that big of a deal, not really, his life has been pretty damn miserable from the start, but he suspects that that would only upset Daniel. Anyway, that would only mean he would have to explain, and of all the things Walter wants to do right now, talk about his life is not one of them.

He kisses Daniel’s smile, feels it curve into something soft and genuine under his lips before parting and pulling him into soft, wet heat. His fingers dip under Daniel’s shirt again, and this time his fingers trip down until they curl under Daniel’s waist band, hesitantly seeking. He’s not even thinking if he wants to go that far, but it all feels so good he can’t help but follow through.

Suddenly Daniel’s hand is on his wrist, pulling him away.

“Wait,” he gulps. Walter doesn’t want to wait. He wants to touch him, to feel every inch of his skin. “Wait, wait, wait. You don’t, you’re, Ror- Walter, you don’t, what if you don’t, after you, in the morning, if you.”

The words don’t make any sense but he knows what Daniel means.

“I’m not drunk, Daniel. I know what I’m doing. I…” he frowns. He can’t put into words how important this is, how he feels like he does when he’s on a case and all the pieces start to come together. He feels like if he just keeps looking, just keeps touching, he’s going to find something important. And it has to be now, now when his mind is blown wide open, when he can see and hear and feel everything so strongly, so perfectly, now when everything is so real. “I want this,” he says at last. The words are horribly inadequate, but Daniel seems to accept them because they’re kissing again.

I'm out of school for winter break, so expect more frequent updates! :D


Re: Untitled Fill (5/6?) anonymous December 17 2011, 04:19:08 UTC

Also d'aaaaaw for this update. And I still crave shrooms.


OP anonymous December 17 2011, 08:01:43 UTC
asdk;jklf the boys are so adorable. I can practically feel every description :D



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