Watchmen (Super Sentai) Five Kink Meme

May 31, 2010 16:17

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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Visitor 1a/2 anonymous December 16 2011, 12:52:49 UTC
Hollis can't help but worry, later. He's always been a remorseful dom, careful and responsible. Part of it is his near-total lack of sadism. He just doesn't like hurting. It doesn't get him off, doesn't even make him feel powerful. Alone in his apartment he flexes his hand, feeling Eddie's pulse against his palm again. Not the choking, that had just been to make a point, but the holding. That warm beat, the kid's life in his hand. He has to laugh, remembering Eddie's surprise, then winces because he sprung a rib in the fight right after. He stops, winces, and finishes his progress to the fridge for more beer. Sure, it's fattening, but a fella can't be expected to sit around with a popped rib on a hot afternoon and not drink.

Thus justified, he goes to sit on the fire escape with his t-shirt looped over the back of his neck. It's a rare day off from both Officer Mason and Nite Owl, and he closes his eyes, letting the warm breeze roll over him. His mind wanders, and inevitably he starts to wonder where Eddie is. What he's doing today, if he has a peaceful spot and a cold drink or if he's out and prowling around for a fight. His file's a regular old sob story if you know how to read between the lines. Mean drunk daddy he can't protect his mama from, so he's gotta protect New York instead. That and the little pecker just likes hurting people. The subs that can't admit it are always the meanest.


Hollis doesn't jump. He's not gonna give the brat the satisfaction, even if he has done a neat job sneaking down from the roof. "Just wonderin' where you were." He opens his eyes when Eddie jumps down beside him, big boots rattling everything.

"Izzat so?" He's in an undershirt and torn, cuffed jeans, grinning down at Hollis and damn, he's got a pretty face.

"Yeah. Aren't you hot in those boots?"


"Take 'em off. No shoe thieves in this complex."

"That's what you think." Eddie sits down and hauls his boots off, cursing as one almost falls to the alley below, catching the leather with a sweat slick hand. Hollis can't stop himself from blushing to see the blue-black ring around the wrist.

"...I hope that ain't giving you too much trouble."

"Nah." He sets the boots just inside the apartment, and flexes his pale feet over the void. "Gimme a drink, boss?"

Hollis blinks when Eddie tips his head back, then chuckles and pours a swig of beer into his mouth. He catches most of it, sitting up and wiping his mouth on his forearm. Hollis smiles at him, setting the can down. "So polite today. D'you want something, boy?"

Eddie blushes, and Hollis feels bad for the kid, remembering how young he really is. "You know what? Forget it." He stands, wincing, and casts about for his boots, squeaking when Hollis hugs him from behind.

"I was only kidding. I'm glad to have you here." He walks him into the apartment where the floor isn't hell on bare feet, and turns on all the fans again, throwing his shirt in the general direction of the couch as he goes to the fridge and pulls out a can for Eddie, tossing it to him.

"Thanks, boss." He rolls the cool aluminum over his forehead, then cracks it open, watching as Hollis goes to retrieve the can from the fire escape. "I'm not interrupting a bender, am I?"

"I don't do benders, Eddie. Too old and respectable and tired for that. I'm just working my way through a six pack and ignoring my rib on a day when I've got nothing else to do and you're welcome to join me."

"...Okay." It's softer than Eddie's usual voice, and Hollis feels that deep, half-painful impulse to protect the kid. He settles on the couch and gestures for Eddie to join him, both of them in the blast of an excellent little fan someone threw out because of a tiny wiring fault. Eddie groans and melts back into the couch. "It's so fucking hot at home, you wouldn't believe it."

"I'd believe anything about a New York summer."

"Permission to remove this, boss?" He says it like it's a joke, tugging the hem of his shirt up.

"Go on and make yourself at home." Eddie does, peeling the ribbed cotton off and stretching, groaning happily. "Better?"

"Hell, yes." Eddie sighs and crawls into Hollis's lap, blushing again. "You said to make myself at home, right?"


Visitor 1b/2 anonymous December 16 2011, 12:54:15 UTC
"I did." Hollis smiles at him, arranging his arms comfortably around the kid, who leans into him making a soft little noise of content. Hollis finishes his beer and pets Eddie while he does the same, hand lightly ruffling his hair, smoothing it down again and flowing on down his back. A little squeeze on his ass, then back up to start over again. It's hypnotic, really. Hollis has never gone for boys, but Eddie has a nice ass. A really nice ass and a pretty mouth and maybe he is just a little bit drunk.

"Feelin' the hooch, boss?"

"Maybe a little." He stops his repetitive stroking to catch Eddie's hand and kiss the bracelet of bruises, surprised at the way it makes the kid shake. He sets his mostly empty beer aside and hugs Eddie tightly. "Hey, hey, it's all right. It's all right, baby." He kisses Eddie's cheek and his mouth, his chin, his forehead, once on each temple... It becomes its own thing, flowing down over his neck and shoulders as he whimpers and goes limp in Hollis's arms with a little cooing noise he wouldn't have believed Eddie could make.

"You all right now, boy?" He says at last, rubbing Eddie's back and kissing the corner of his jaw.

"Yeah," Eddie whispers, and clings to him, raggedy nails biting into Hollis's back. He's quivering, and presses the heat of his hard cock to Hollis's belly. "Yeah, I'm all right. Ohgod."

Hollis hushes him, settling the boy to straddle his lap, kissing his forehead again. He's almost as Eddie is, and grinds up against him a little. "Feel that?"

"Ooohhhhhfuck. Yessir." His eyes are huge, and Hollis wants to laugh, but he's serious about this.

"It's not running this show. I am. If you need to stop, we stop. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"...Too much." He grins, shivering and blushing again.

Hollis grins. "I've never been much for it, but it's different if you like it for its own sake."

"Oh, I do, boss. I do." His face lights up when Hollis laughs.

"Whatever you like, I want to get you out of these jeans. Any objection?"

"Hell, no!"

Hollis laughs again as Eddie struggles out of his pants and the washed to grey boxers under them. Hollis whistles in frank admiration. "Well, you've certainly got nothing to be ashamed of." At the look on Eddie's face, he rolls his eyes. "I'd say don't let that go to your head, but it's hopeless. Get on your knees and give me a minute."

Eddie shudders and slides to the floor, fists clenched to keep from touching himself, staring up at Hollis as he strips off the last of his clothing. "Enjoying the view, boy?"

"God, yes." His cock is actually twitching with his heartbeat, precome rolling down the sides and dripping from the tip.

"I believe it. Bet you could come just by looking, couldn't you?" Hollis strokes himself slowly, and Eddie moans, balls drawing up.

"Fffuck, I probably could." He squirms and drags his nails up his own thighs, leaving ten red tracks. He pinches his nipples hard, much harder than Hollis would have, and moans, shaking. "Hollis..." His voice rises to a desperate whine, "Hollis, please--"

"Please what, boy?" He comes closer, the tip of his cock nearly touching Eddie's face as he prowls a circle around him with one rough, proprietary hand in his hair. He gives it a sharp tug that makes Eddie gasp. "What do you want?"

"I want you to fuck me." It's almost inaudible, and Hollis shivers.

"What was that?"

"Fuck me," he whimpers, "any way you want it, boss. It's your collar I'm wearing."

Hollis groans, and actually closes his eyes and counts to ten. "Okay. Okay. You let me know if we need to stop, y'hear?"

Eddie manages to grin a little. "Yeah."

"Get on your elbows and knees, it's easiest that way."

Eddie blushes and obeys, voice cracking as he squawks, "Hey, where the hell are you going?" as Hollis gets up and heads for the bedroom.

"Just wait a minute, brat." He's back in a moment with a bottle and a pillow, setting it down for Eddie to rest his head on. "Trust me, you don't want to do this dry." He gently nudges Eddie's knees further apart, slicking his hole and making him whimper and bite the pillow. "And you know we can always stop."

"Y-yeah, I know." He groans, his body easily accepting one finger. "Oh fuck, that's gonna be your cock, boss."


Visitor 1c/2 anonymous December 16 2011, 12:55:13 UTC
"That's the idea, yeah. You're probably gonna be the tightest thing I've ever felt." He kisses the small of Eddie's back and presses a second finger in. Eddie wails, and for a sick moment Hollis is afraid he's hurt him somehow. Then he feels the contractions around his fingers and realizes the kid is coming, his whole body rocking and convulsing with it. He curses breathlessly and bucks and bucks his hips, not done for what feels like forever. "All right there, kid?"

The only answer is a long, drawn-out whine. Hollis leaves his fingers where they are, and cuddles Eddie, letting him catch his breath. He apologizes, breathless and lost, and Hollis kisses him deeply. "I like seeing you come, boy. Don't worry about it." He adds a little lube, and works his fingers deeper, nibbling Eddie's ear as he groans and wriggles and gets hard all over again, making desperate little mewling noises as Hollis stretches him, mouth hanging open.


Re: Visitor 1c/2 anonymous December 16 2011, 19:53:21 UTC
You are my favorite person. UNF, this is ridiculously hot.


Visitor 2/2 anonymous December 17 2011, 14:29:37 UTC
"Ohh... oh fuck, Hollis..."

He can't help but chuckle, opening Eddie up a little more. "Like that, boy?"

"Y-yessir." He pushes back on Hollis's hand, chest heaving as he pants.

"Good." Hollis gives his hand a little twist, and Eddie wails again, whining helplessly when Hollis pinches one nipple with his free hand, good and hard.

"Aaauuhh... Boss, that ain't fair."

"Life ain't fair, brat." He bites the back of Eddie's neck, making him whimper as he gives him a pinch on the other side that makes him buck desperately. "God, you're pretty."

"Boss--" It's a long, drawn-out whine of complaint, and Hollis laughs, pulling his fingers out and slapping Eddie's ass, making him jump and squeak.

"You ready?"

"Y-yeah. Fuck, please..." He buries his face in the pillow again, back arching and legs spreading wide, offering himself shamelessly. Hollis groans, and settles his knees inside Eddie's, pushing his legs further apart as he just thrusts through the slick, not pushing in yet, no matter how much Eddie tries to make him, whining and wriggling like a puppy.

"Easy, boy. Easy." Hollis grins as Eddie struggles to stay still.

"Please please please--"

"Y'know for a while I thought you didn't even know that word, you punk?" Hollis presses a kiss between Eddie's shoulder blades and he sobs, every muscle quivering.

"Please!" He sobs, and looks back at Hollis as best he can, eyes wide and filling with tears. "God, please, I can't--" Whatever he was going to say turns into a howl as Hollis lines up and sinks in. There's almost no resistance, Eddie's body swallowing him up, hips grinding back to take more. Hollis's groan melds with Eddie's, and for a minute that feels like forever they just rock together, Hollis barely pulling out a fraction of an inch, the pain of his rib forgotten as he crushes Eddie back against his chest. Eddie melts in his arms, whimpering and babbling as Hollis starts a slow, steady rhythm, deep and insistent.

He moans softly into Eddie's ear, nuzzling his cheek. "I was right, boy. You are the tightest thing I've ever felt." Eddie moans and clamps down on him so hard it almost hurts. He grunts and thrusts hard against Eddie's grip, making him wail and come again. This time Hollis has no choice but to follow, slamming into Eddie and staying there for a long time. Opening his eyes again, he's pretty he's actually dozed off on the poor kid, who's flat on his belly now, just breathing quietly. Hollis kisses the back of his neck, tasting the salt of his sweat. "All right, boy?"

"Yeah." He shivers pleasantly, and stretches under Hollis, purring. "Mm."

"...Gonna let me have my dick back any time soon?"

"MmmI'll think about it." He squeezes Hollis again and grins, wiggling out from under him. Hollis rolls to the side, avoiding the wet spot. "Made one hell of a mess of my carpet, boy."

"Like you care." He sits up and grins at Hollis, who grins back, feeling loose and lazy and happy.

"Maybe not so much just now." He's surprised to see Eddie blush, and sits up, pulling him into his arms again. He's going to say something reassuring, but just ends up groaning in pain.


"Forgot about my rib." He kisses Eddie's cheek. "Help me up?" Eddie nods and bounces up, giving Hollis a hand. "You really are gorgeous." That makes him blush again, and Hollis grins and kisses him. "Come wash up with me."

The shower is almost to small for both of them, kissing under the lukewarm water. After some smart remarks and grab-ass, Eddie lets Hollis wash him, calm and quiet under the touch. As the kid leans back against him so Hollis can wash his scruffy hair, Hollis looks at the bruise on his wrist again, pressing another kiss to it when he's done. Eddie shivers. "Why d'you keep doing that?"

"I feel a little bad about that."


Hollis switches off the water, and leads him out, scrubbing the rug as clean as it'll get as Eddie rubs himself dry and flops onto the couch. "Mind if I get another beer?"

"Grab me one while you're at it." Reasonably satisfied, he's on the couch when Eddie gets back, and glad to accept his drink.

"You're about cleaned out, boss."

"Well, y'know," he pulls Eddie into his lap and kisses him again. "I wasn't expecting company."


Re: Visitor 2/2 anonymous December 18 2011, 03:09:07 UTC
This is probably my favorite fic of this pairing, ever. <3


author anonymous December 18 2011, 04:02:53 UTC
Thank you! <3

And Minutemen-era Hollis/Eddie is shockingly underused. *shakes head*


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