Watchmen (Super Sentai) Five Kink Meme

May 31, 2010 16:17

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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Untitled Fill (3/6? it got long and it's still not done!) anonymous December 7 2011, 14:36:28 UTC
Daniel’s eyes go wide and his breath catches in his throat. He stares, awed, as if Walter is someone to be in awe of, as if Walter’s face is just as fascinating as Rorschach’s.

“Hello,” Walter says. “My name is Walter.” It’s almost funny, because they’ve known each other for years, and he’s introducing himself like a stranger. He feels laughter bubble up inside him, and his lips tug themselves into a smile without prompting.

“Walter,” Daniel says, and it sounds like a prayer. Daniel runs his hands over Walter’s face, his cheekbones, his lips, and then through his hair, over and over again, touching the places Walter touched him. He cups Walter’s cheek, and the calluses scrape over fresh stubble. Walter turns his head and presses his lips against them, feeling the rough skin against his lips and his chin. It’s a beautiful feeling, made all the more beautiful by the sound Daniel makes and puff of air across his cheek that accompanies it.

He mouths Daniel’s name against the palm, over and over again. He isn’t sure why, but he wants to, he feels like it’s important that he does.

There are lips on his neck, and they are unexpected and wonderful and he moans, and does it again, louder, at the first hint of teeth.

No one has ever touched him like this, and he can feel little sparks of electricity dancing on the edges of every nerve in his body. Heat pools inside of him, deep and low and it can’t be a sin, it can’t be a sin because it feels so perfect. The lips move up his neck and over his jaw and up to his ear, hot breath spreading over his skin and it feels so good, it feels so good.

He turns his head and his mouth catches against Daniel’s like an accident, and it feels like fire and makes his toes curl. He wants to be sad that he’s been living his whole life never knowing how amazing it is to kiss someone, but he can’t because it means that his first kiss is Daniel, and even if he searched his whole life, he would never find someone more perfect to share this with. Daniel deserves this, to have this intimate and delicate piece of Walter. Even if they never see each other again, Walter will always remember, because it was the first time.

He can feel the lines of their existences wrapping around them, tangling and tying and binding them together. He will never be able to break free, he thinks. He will never be able to kiss anyone else or touch anyone else without thinking of Daniel. It doesn’t matter because who else would he want to kiss?

Hands push back his coat, and smooth over his dress shirt, sliding under his suspenders as Daniel’s tongue slides against his own. He whimpers at the sensation. He had always thought that was disgusting, filthy, unsanitary, made his stomach squirm when he saw others pawing and slobbering against each other like animals in heat. It doesn’t seem quite so bad from this side of things.

He can feel everything. He can feel every place Daniel’s body touches his own, burning as if they are being welded together.
His skin aches to be touched again, to feel the rough slide of Daniel’s hands. He wants to know what it feels like everywhere.


OP anonymous December 8 2011, 01:12:09 UTC
Omg, I totally lost it at water droplets full of sin and corruption xD

Aaah, somehow I didn't anticipate Rorschach's thought processes working so naturally with being high, but it does. I totally love where this is going, I can't wait for moar sexytimes.


author anonymous December 8 2011, 02:37:13 UTC
Eee! I'm glad you like it!

It's so funny, originally it was going to be young teen Adrian getting high and having sex, but then I wrote the water droplet thing, stared at it and went "...oh shit, this is Rorschach, isn't it?"
It's almost a little weird how easy it is to write Rorschach being high. XD The only problem is it's getting away from me a little bit. It's about three times longer than I meant it to be when I started, and it's still not done!


Re: author (different anon) anonymous December 8 2011, 09:24:25 UTC
but then I wrote the water droplet thing, stared at it and went "...oh shit, this is Rorschach, isn't it?"

That's exactly when I stopped thinking it might be Adrian and knew who our POV character was. XD


Re: Untitled Fill (3/6? it got long and it's still not done!) anonymous December 8 2011, 12:41:01 UTC
Oh my God this is absolutely wonderful.

He will never be able to kiss anyone else or touch anyone else without thinking of Daniel. It doesn’t matter because who else would he want to kiss?

I just love how reverent Walter is throughout this whole thing, and his panic over taking off his mask is so terribly sad and poignant. This is so great, I can't wait to see the rest.


Re: Untitled Fill (3/6? it got long and it's still not done!) anonymous December 8 2011, 23:56:23 UTC
>It doesn’t seem quite so bad from this side of things.

Hooray, he can be taught! This is so unbelievably hot, I don't even.


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