Watchmen (Super Sentai) Five Kink Meme

May 31, 2010 16:17

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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2/? anonymous October 10 2011, 04:32:59 UTC
Everyone has already been fed, so right now Hollis's job is to make sure everyone shares Adrian's toys and plays nice with them. Adrian is a generous boy but very fussy, and deeply upset when Laurie undoes Charlotte the doll's careful French braid.

"Whatever, it's a girl's toy anyway!"

Adrian screams an adorable malapropism from one of his mother's women's studies classes, and Hollis groans, wading in as they dive at each other. "Laurie, a toy's just a toy and this one ain't yours. Adrian, you're too old to hit girls."

"Mommy says chivalry is retrograde."

"It's not that they're too fragile, it's that the habit of not hitting girls is one of the only ways for a man to learn to keep his temper."

Laurie huffs, but lets Adrian fix Charlotte's hair, finding another doll. Soon enough they're (relatively) peaceably acting out a battle to the death between two superheroines. Dan and Walter are playing with some blocks, Walter hardly daring to touch them. It always breaks Hollis's heart to see how unsure the kid still is, but he actually smiles when Dan makes a dinosaur noise and knocks their tower down so they can rebuild it, so he's doing better than he was when Hollis first met him. He doesn't see Jon anywhere, but that's not the alarming thing it would be with the others. He goes to the entryway to collect his backpack, and sure enough Jon is reading his Math book, quiet and utterly happy.

"Come on, kiddo. I need you with the others." Jon hops up and follows him, still reading, and Hollis has to smile. "I'll need that back, but I can do my History and English first."

"Okay." He sits on the floor by Hollis's feet, and takes no notice when Laurie starts putting his hair in little pigtails all over his head. He's the only one who doesn't jump at a sudden crash of thunder.

"Wow, that sounds close." Hollis sets down his pen to hug Adrian, who is shivering and pretending not to be bothered at all, then gets up and goes looking for the emergency supplies in case the power goes out, the children following him like ducklings. The Veidts are prepared for bad weather, with candles, flashlights, extra batteries for the flashlights, and enough bottled water to float a battleship. All of this is kept in the scary, scary basement, and the kids stand around the door at the top of the stairs, watching him. He has a horrible vision of something getting him, of the door slamming shut and the lights going off, but shakes it off and comes back up. Manages to not even jump when the lights do go off.

"Well." He switches on the flashlight, all of them huddling in around his legs. "Good thing I got this stuff." Laurie nods, clinging, and he pets her hair. "Your parents should be here pretty soon, so why don't we light up a place to play?"

Poor little Walter is terrified of the dark, and clings to Hollis's hand as he lights a few candles, putting them in the most stable possible places and sternly abjuring everyone to Not Touch. Walter at least is good at that, his earnest, freckled little face turned up in the golden light.

"It's so pretty." Laurie beams, since she actually likes storms as long as they don't leave her in the dark. "Mommy lights candles sometimes."

"And only sometimes, 'cause they're dangerous." Hollis gets his homework situated again, squinting down at it and listening to the rain bucket down.


Re: 2/? anonymous October 11 2011, 02:12:02 UTC
This is so cute!


3/? anonymous October 17 2011, 10:33:52 UTC
Walter can't help thinking about the Noah story, listening to all that water. It scares him, because so what if God promised never to do it again? Everyone breaks promises. His lip wobbles, and he swallows hard. It will be fine. Daddy always says it will be fine, and he hasn't broken a promise yet. Then Dan is hugging him, and it's warm and makes him feel safe, so he hugs back.

"It'll stop raining sometime, and your daddy will come back, along with all the rest of them." A flash of lightning makes him squeeze a little too hard in fear, but Walter understands.

The phone rings, and Hollis has to get up to get it, which means he has to blow out all the candles and use a flashlight, all of them following him in the dark. It's scary, but at least they have each other's hands to hold. Dan clings to Hollis's belt, Walter clings to Dan, then Adrian, Laurie, and Jon, who's not afraid of the dark.

"Hello?" Hollis says, and listens for a while. He starts to look worried, and Walter can't help crying, just a little. "No, it's okay. I'd better call my mother, though, the line'll probably go down if this keeps up. ...Yes. ...Yes, of course."

They each get the receiver in turn, and Walter almost doesn't know what to do with it when he gets it. "D-daddy?"

"There's too much water over the road tonight, but I'll come for you tomorrow."

"O-okay." It comes out quivery, and sniffles hard, trying to be a big kid about this.

"I love you, son. You be good for Hollis, now."

"Okay, Daddy."

He has to give it back to Hollis after that, so he can call his mother and tell her he'll be at the Veidts' overnight. The line goes down in the middle of her fussing, and Hollis can't help but be a bit relieved.

"All right, so we're going to be spending the night here. Adrian, where are the extra blankets?"

Adrian is delighted to show him, the whole duckling train of children following Hollis up to the airing cupboard. There's a wilderness of blankets there. There are plenty of beds for everyone, but Hollis doesn't want them separated in the dark, so they create a little encampment, beds made for everyone. Adrian even braves the journey to his room to get temporary companions for his guests, tucking a stuffed animal into each blanket nest. Hollis has to smile, and then trucks them downstairs to where the gas stove is still working so he can get a warm meal into them.

Dan can't help but be bored, but this is technically an emergency and he should be good. So he sits with Walter, because Walter never has any trouble being good. He drums his heels on the floor and squirms, watching Hollis make grilled cheese sandwiches and soup.


4/? anonymous November 3 2011, 12:31:43 UTC
Charlie sighs and looks around the room. "Well, shit."

Eddie laughs. "Pretty much. Still, I think the kid'll manage."

"We do have a full complement of emergency supplies," Laura adds. "And there's nothing we can do at the moment anyway."

It's true, but Charlie can't help worrying about his boy. The storm makes him wakeful, too, ensuring that he ends up at the bar with Eddie and Sally. She sips a cosmopolitan, in her emerald green gown and Eddie's jacket, and smiles at him. "Don't worry about the kids."

"I know Hollis'll look after them, I just... I like to keep things consistent for Walter."

"Yeah, I feel that. What're you drinking?"

"Scotch on the rocks, thanks." He stares into his glass when it appears, and remembers when Walter was new to him, a fragile little thing who expected to be hit while every time he was fed or hugged or read to was a surprise.

"I know the kid's been kinda messed up-ow!" He looks reproachfully at his wife as she digs one pretty elbow into his side. "What? It's true. And I think you've done a damn fine job with the little guy."

"Thanks. And it's okay, Sally. The kid has been kinda messed up. I mean, I fucking left and only came back when he was three and a half and got full custody, you do the math."

Sally shakes her head. "I could tell he was a little afraid of me at Laurie's birthday party."

"Yeah. His mama's got red hair, too."

"Ugh. Well, by the end of it he was less leery, so I guess I'll call it a win."

"Good. I keep telling him that I'm not gonna send him anywhere with bad people, but y'know." He shrugs.

Sally reaches across and takes his hand. "I know."

Walter doesn't know what to do with the stuffed rabbit on his little pallet. It's purest white with black spots, and it's so clean and new-looking it makes him nervous. It's bad enough that everyone's wearing Adrian's incredibly soft pajamas. The pair Walter's wearing are blue, with yellow ducks. He looks back at Adrian.

"That's Sophia. She's a rabbit."

"...Why is she here?"

"To keep you company." He puts his hands on his hips in that bossy way he always does, but Walter supposes it's nice of him to think of it. His are purple with purple cats, the pair he had insisted on reserving for himself in the face of all his generosity.

"Thank you. Will keep her clean."

Adrian beams. "I know."

Dan is giggling at his temporary companion, a fuzzy grey owl. "He looks like Archie, Adrian!"

"You're welcome, Dan."

"You're a weird kid, Adrian."

"Am not!"

"Are so! You're a boy, and these are girl's pajamas!"

Walter is not an expert on these things, but the pajamas in question are pink, and do have fairies on them. "No they aren't!"

"They don't even have a dick-flap!"

"Laurie, you know you get docked ten cents for being vulgar," Hollis drawls, still arranging his own encampment. "Besides, it makes Walter nervous."

"He doesn't care when Daddy does it!"

It does make him a little nervous, and he's holding Sophia to his chest, scandalized. "That's 'cause your daddy fought in the war!"

"What, I gotta fight in the war before I can say dick-flap?!"


Re: 4/? anonymous November 20 2011, 23:11:38 UTC
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg, Laurie. *wipes tear* This is beyond brilliant, you know.


"He stares into his glass when it appears, and remembers when Walter was new to him, a fragile little thing who expected to be hit while every time he was fed or hugged or read to was a surprise."

Brb, b'awwwwwwing forever now.


5/? anonymous November 23 2011, 10:53:19 UTC
All of them had had to wash up, of course, one at a time in the second floor guest bathroom because it's the closest, with the flashlight for illumination and a pair of Adrian's pajamas to change into. Thankfully the kid has an extensive wardrobe and they're all about the same size or smaller, so no problem there. Of course Walter had needed Hollis to guard the door for him, more paranoid about privacy than any child his age Hollis had ever seen. Laurie had made a game of charging and trying to open it, but mercifully hadn't succeeded.

Hollis has only sat a few of his charges overnight, so he is uncertain of who needs what bedtime ritual to get to sleep, watching everyone bed down with their stuffed companion. He has to hand it to Adrian, each one is a good choice. Walter is clinging to the rabbit, his thumb in his mouth as the thunder crashes again, softer now as the storm moves on. Dan and Laurie are both story addicts, sitting up expectantly, hugging a grey owl and a black bear respectively. Jon needs nothing, sleepily reciting the multiplication tables to himself, staring into the fathomless glass eyes of a friendly blue octopus.

"So, what kind of story should it be?" He parks himself by Dan and Laurie, Walter curled up and wakeful on his left.

"It should be about a princess," Dan says.

"Who fights dragons," Laurie adds.


Hollis chuckles. "Well..." He takes a moment to think about it, and he's off. Princess Vivian roams the land destroying evil dragons with her wits and a pair of fabulous magical boots (supplied by Laurie) that are red leather with rose designs and make her run super-fast and leave no tracks. That last bit is Dan's contribution, and Laurel clearly approves. The princess journeys far away and at least meets a friendly...

"Bunny." Walter's voice is almost inaudible, and Hollis smiles.

"Okay, a bunny. And it's black and white, and gives her a delicious vegetarian dinner." There are a few more adventures after that, and then as narrative law demands, Vivian meets her match in the Iron Dragon, a massive clanking horror that Hollis belatedly realizes is a little too scary for Walter, quiet as a mouse and watching with huge eyes.

Laurie is a bloodthirsty little thing and wants to know if the cave is all full of bones, but for Walter's peace of mind, it isn't. Vivian is captured, rescues herself, and with the rabbit's help leads the beast to the sea, where it rusts away into nothing. Collecting her boots from its hoard, she finds a pendant with a rabbit on it, and is compelled to take it and show it to her friend. The rabbit puts it on, returns to his true human form, and they live happily ever after.

"And the dragon never came back?" Walter asks softly, as the others settle down to sleep.

"Never." Hollis strokes that shock of red hair. "I promise."


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