Rules of the meme:
1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.
2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such
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The air is very still; the rank smell of cigar smoke is starting to make Dan feel sick. He’s pretty sure that the Comedian is letting that sink in, but Dan hasn’t been an NYPD as long as he has without facing himself down. He’s not intimidated. He sets the wrench down on the table with a definitive clunk: He doesn’t need to hear any of this.
“A’course,” the Comedian adds after taking a slow swig from his flask, “don’t take that as discouragement.”
Dan looks up. The Comedian is grinning.
Somehow, Dan thinks that he knows Dan doesn’t need to ask him anything else.
He’s called into work early the next day and stays until his regular shift ends. He doesn’t tell anybody what he’s learned, but he does spend the day mentally absent, his thoughts jumbled. Though he’s still angry and driven to put Rorschach away, he’s not sure where to go from here. When Dan goes home for the morning, he immediately heads downstairs and starts working on a few gadgets that might be useful; the basement smells of fresh oil and his sweat, and every once in a while, he glances at the subway tunnel, as if expecting someone.
It’s nearly noon when he traipses back upstairs, goggles in one hand. He sleeps until five, eats some stale leftovers, and then, without hesitating or dawdling, gets ready. There’s no need to go overboard-he straps on his holster, pockets his goggles, and tucks a notepad and pen into the pockets of a light jacket. He still remembers the address.
Outside, the asphalt shimmers with late afternoon heat, and it’s not long before Dan breaks out into a sweat. Yeah, he’s nervous, and yeah, he’s pretty sure that this is high among his stupid ideas, but if he doesn’t start somewhere then he won’t start at all, and this is safer-and less likely to get him fired-than chasing after Rorschach during patrol. One short taxi ride later, Dan is casually walking down a ghetto city block, eyeing the alleyways and fire escapes within as he makes one careful circle; finally he picks a building that looks good and climbs up the fire escape, his sweaty palms slipping on the hot metal.
Crouching, Dan moves towards the base of a noisy AC. There. He can see the windows of the building opposite, and though he’s not sure which window is Rorschach’s, he at least knows the floor and that he’s looking at the right side. He gingerly pulls the goggles from his pocket and clips them on-the world goes dark, and for a second he’s afraid that something’s already gone wrong with them-and then the goggles catch up and the sunlight bursts through the lenses, nearly blinding him. Dan chokes back a laugh. He fixes them with a little bit of adjusting (and quite a bit of rubbing spots out of his eyes); satisfied finally that they won’t blindside him again, he focuses on the line of windows and waits.
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