Watchmen (Super Sentai) Five Kink Meme

May 31, 2010 16:17

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously(or not, because we seem to have stopped following this rule) post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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7a/12? anonymous July 30 2011, 00:03:02 UTC
The gala doesn't start until half-past nine, and to be on time is to be unfashionably early, so Danielle has barely struggled into her best underwear and a second pair of hose that have actually stayed shimmering and smooth when Wanda arrives. She's nothing but a little sound in the kitchen, but Danielle knows her all the same.

"Hey, I'll be right down!" she calls, and flings on a robe, padding down to join her friend.

Wanda sets her parcel on the table (not the shoes, for no reason that's bad luck, as if Wanda's mother had ever had or deserved good) and opens one of the Cokes Danielle has started keeping for her. It's ice-cold and so good her eyes are closed when Danielle comes down, but they snap open at the nearly non-sound of stocking feet. Danielle is grinning at her. "Hey, buddy. Glad you could make it."

"Said I would come," Wanda points out, trying not to get indignant, and Danielle suddenly hugs her, a rush of warmth and softness and perfume that leaves her head spinning.

"Yeah. You hungry? There will be nibbles and booze but not much else."

"Coke is fine, thank you."

"Okay. We've still got a good hour, so you can shower and everything, and get dressed in the guest room."

Wanda nods, accepting orders, and Danielle laughs. "So serious all the time."

"Hrrmph. There's enough foolishness in the world as it is."

"I can't wait to see what you're wearing."

Wanda just makes an indistinct noise, and takes her things to guestroom, already strange, and then bathes in hot water with sweet-smelling soap, which is another jolt. In the steam she doesn't know if she's Wanda or Rorschach or someone else, another person who actually belongs here, wrapped in a cloud of towel. Her bobbed hair is quick to dry, and comes out fluffy and silky, clearly belonging to that third stranger. She's filled with a sudden urge to pull on her mask and breathe in that scent of latex until she's calmer, but now is no time for that. It's time for clean underwear, soothingly plain and white, and the only nylons she can afford, the cheap feeling making her skin crawl as she slides them on.

It's sense memory going back seventeen years, and she has to stand very still and breathe deeply to keep from ripping them off and flinging them as far as they'll go. The slip is easier. It's still cheap and decadent feeling, but harmless, and the shoes touch on a wonderful Easter and fit as if custom-made. She's kept them in good shape and has had no cause to wear them, so they are still truly white. The dress fits, and that's all she can ask of it, tying the back bow that was easier than making real darts at the waist. She checks the time, and goes to knock on Danielle's door.

"Come in! Figures you'd be ready when you had less time..." Danielle is hunched over her mirror, myopically applying eye makeup, her dress a spill of rich brown velvet on the bed. She turns blind eyes to Wanda, beaming. "Hang on, lemme get my glasses on..." As she pats around for them, Wanda is speechless. It should disgust, even frighten her, but it doesn't. Staring at Danielle's golden skin and massive, flawless curves encased in champagne-colored silk, all she wants to do is touch, and actually knots her hands together behind her back for fear she will. Finally, Danielle gets her glasses on, and beams anew. "That is so cute! Where'd you find it?"


7b/12? anonymous July 30 2011, 00:04:12 UTC
Wanda is done for, a blushing, stammering mess. "M-modified it off the rack. Was too big, and slutty."

"Well, slutty's all very relative." She almost prowls closer, and Wanda isn't sure how much more of this she can survive. "But this is adorable." She fingers the high and subtle sweetheart neckline, and the edges of the three-quarter sleeves while Wanda tries to keep breathing. "But y'know what you really need?" Danielle murmurs, conspiratorially close. Wanda just shakes her head, incapable of speech.

"Jewelry!" Danielle grins and bounds off, opening old boxes of things that belonged to her mother, grandmother, great-aunts, and even further back. "It all came down to me in the end," she says, soft and a little sad as her fingers comb through a king's ransom in necklaces. "Your shoes are white, right?"

"Yes." Wanda croaks.

"And I know you probably don't want a lot... Here. Pearls. As classy as it gets."

And they are beautiful, round, luminous, and pure. One strand around her neck is too much, but Danielle insists on winding a shorter strand of the same around Wanda's wrist in a sinuous four-strand bracelet. "And you know you're not gonna escape without makeup, but I promise to keep it light. First, though..." And she finally, finally puts her dress on, sliding it over her head and shimmying into it in a rustle of fabric. If Wanda's relief is tinged with disappointment, it's still relief. She can submit to being painted again, and Danielle is as good as her word. There's a little more than there was for the first time, but it is an evening occasion, after all.


Re: 7b/12? anonymous July 31 2011, 05:24:28 UTC
Anon, you have no idea how incredibly happy I am over this being continued.

I was legit misty-eyed towards the end, throat stuffed with emotion, and mouth stretched wide as can be.

I'm so happy ♥♥♥


Re: 7b/12? anonymous August 2 2011, 13:43:15 UTC
eeeeeeeeeeee! Oh Dani,if you only knew what you're doing to poor Wanda. (Or do you--?)

Love this so much. ^^


8/12? anonymous August 8 2011, 09:28:02 UTC
There are too many people here, a rustling, murmuring crush of rich fabrics, and it's all Wanda can do not to cling to Danielle's hand like a child. Still. Her
dress is no worse than anyone else's, and Danielle is so beautiful she can't bear it. The very last touch had been contact lenses, and Wanda still doesn't know how she feels about Danielle's beauty being so... obvious. Paint rings her dark eyes to make them more fathomless than ever, and her perfect mouth is some rare shade of shimmering brown-red. Wanda knows she's leaving herself vulnerable, but she can't look away.

Nathan grins, finally spotting Danielle. His old friend looks good, and oh, seems as if she's found someone at last. Cute little redhead, actually. Petite as usual, but very shy, looks like. Sticking right by Dani's side, which is funny. Usually Dani's girl is the more poised of the pair. Not that it hasn't been way too long, but still. What is it about this timid creature? She's not strictly speaking pretty, but her hard little face is definitely interesting, and he smiles to see something protective about the way she stands beside her much larger friend, even in the midst of being completely besotted.


"Nathan!" Being hugged by Danielle is always quite an experience, and after swimming free of her cleavage he finds himself eye to glaring amber eye with the girlfriend. Oh dear. "Wanda, this is my friend Nathan. Nathan, Wanda." He's not supposed to extend his hand until she does, and she seems no more inclined to offer it to him than to a grizzly bear.

"Uh, hi."

"Hi." Her eyes look right through him like a raptor's, and he has the feeling he's found the attraction after all.

"So, Dani. Didn't see fit to tell me?"

Danielle blushes horribly, and it's all Wanda can do to keep back a growl. "I-it's not like that, she's a... a colleague. We're working together. On a project."

"Oh!" And Wanda has never been smiled at by a man this way. It's so like Danielle's when they're working together that she feels the corners of her mouth curve up despite herself. "What sort of project?"

"Compendium of owl data."

"Ha, that's always been Dani. You like owls as much as she does?"

"Perhaps I do."

Danielle had no idea how much of her babble Wanda has been taking in over the years. She's actually holding her own, soft, husky voice coming up with pertinent facts, figures, and species names. Again, Danielle is glad to have been born a woman, with easy to hide hardons. She briefly escapes to grab drinks, feeling Wanda's eyes on her the whole way. Mercifully, there's a booze-free option, a paler color than the champagne. Wanda looks a bit worried when she comes back, and Danielle smiles.

"Don't worry, I remembered you don't drink. This is elderflower soda or something. You'll have to tell me how it is."

"You're going to be here completely sober? Good Lord!"


Re: 8/12? anonymous August 20 2011, 19:50:31 UTC
This may sound weird, but what I like the most about this chapter is that for once, a character's friend isn't shocked about their attraction to someone of the same gender, and their reaction instead is more "It's about time!" :D


9/12? anonymous August 25 2011, 09:08:49 UTC
Of course, something so good as a real conversation about real things cannot last. Soon Danielle is 'making the rounds', and Wanda tags after her, quiet and polite as she can make herself, with no idea what to do. To Danielle's credit, she involves Wanda in the conversation, and keeps her well supplied with elderflower soda, and herself well supplied with champagne. Liberal politics and meaningless gossip swirl around her head, and she ends up just sucking down soda and trying not to snarl. Many of the women speak like Danielle, all rushing excitement and gentle humor and birds, but there are others all stiff and lacquered, worse than her mother because they won't even admit that they're whores.

"Really, Dani! Your arms are getting mannish, and what have I said about wearing brown to everything?"

Dani rolls her eyes and knocks back her fifth glass. "Whatever, I'll be able to rescue myself when the Martians come."

"Danielle's arms are not mannish."

"Well of course you don't think so, dear."

Wanda bristles and tipsy as she's getting, Dani interposes herself and gets the woman to tell them all about her plastic surgeries until it's time to listen to interminable speeches. She squeezes Wanda's hand in apology, and smiles a little when she flushes scarlet. God help her, but her partner is adorable. And so protective.

Endearing as it is, that protectiveness becomes a problem later. There's a game of keep-away with the guest of honor's gold pen, and eventually Dani tucks it into her cleavage. Nathan is drunk enough to go after it, and she laughs, reminded of similar adventures years ago. Of course, being half-sloshed on champagne, she misses a few tiny but crucial danger signals from Wanda. At least Nathan isn't hurt. A bit breathless from being so forcefully placed with his back against the wall, but not hurt. There's a pause in the action, some laughter and a smattering of applause, and Wanda flushes up to her hair and disappears into the bathroom.

Dani sighs, wobbling up. "Okay, I gotta go calm her down."

"Oh, who am I to stand in zee vay of troo lahff?"

"You're a dumbass, Nate." She kisses the top of his head and goes after Wanda, who is of course locked in the last stall. "You all right?"

"Yes. Very sorry."

"Oh, please. This bunch of degenerates hardly noticed."

"...Will stay here until it's time to leave, if that's all right with you." Her voice is small, but very determined, and Dani chuckles. "C'mon, let's leave right now." A moment later, the door creaks open. Wanda walks very tall and stares straight ahead with fierce eyes, and Dani exchanges random farewells the whole way out, ignoring Nathan mouthing fuck her like you just got out of prison! Luckily, Wanda doesn't notice, and the cab ride home is full of a silence mostly comfortable.


10/12? anonymous September 20 2011, 12:12:07 UTC
"...Sorry to end your evening so early," Wanda mutters.

"You're a godsend and don't ever forget it." Dani stretches and yawns, beaming. "Now I can get out of this dress and work on Archie. And you don't have to put up with surgery-addicted social climbers."


Danielle yawns again. "You hungry?"

"...A little."

It's a testament to how well Dani knows her partner that she takes the admission for what it means, orders two large pizzas, and says nothing when Wanda accounts for most of one herself, getting sauce all over her shirt. Her dress is safely rolled up and tucked away again, Dani's hanging in the closet. She laughs suddenly, and Wanda looks up from her fifth slice, blinking. "Just thinking that we're back to our comfortable, dowdy selves."

Wanda chuckles, devouring the rest of her slice in three massive bites. "Doesn't matter what you wear, Danielle."

"What, it's hopeless?"

Wanda flushes until she matches her hair. "No. Very beautiful."

"...Oh." It's her turn to blush, and she coughs. "Thanks. So, uh. You done? We should put this away since penicillin makes a horrible pizza topping." Wanda nods, and watches as Danielle shuffles it all into the same box and crams it into the fridge.

"Thank you for the food."

"Of course! Hell, thanks for coming with me tonight."


There's nothing more to say, so they head down to the Nest, Dani plunging into Archie's innards, repairing and tuning to her heart's content as her partner hunches over her journal and the vast and arcane collection of clippings she keeps in a shoebox. It's almost absurdly domestic, and Dani smiles.

Danielle is humming as she works. It's a pleasant sound, but that fact alone makes Wanda tense. She should have left by now, because every second in Danielle's presence makes Wanda want her more. And of course Danielle has to upgrade to singing right now. Her voice is low and strangely sweet and Wanda is captivated just like every other time. She sets her notebook down, coming closer to hear better.

"Good sense, innocence, cripplin' and kind/ Dead kings, many things I can't define." Psychedelic trash, but with an insistent, flowing tune that suits her. "Oh Cajun spice, sweats and blushes your mind. Incense and peppermints, the color of thyme." She taps the rhythm with crescent wrenches, little silver sounds rising up from Archie's bowels. The song halts as Wanda gets closer, and for a dizzy moment she thinks Danielle has heard her thoughts. "Hey, Wanda?"


"Gimme a hand here?" She is sprawled full length on the floor, panels taken up and set aside, her arm hidden from the shoulder on. Wanda crouches beside her, trying to see.

"I think your arm'll fit better than mine." She pulls out of the darkness. "There's a tiny component I need to get out, but my meaty paws can't manage."

This is how Wanda ends up on her belly, scrabbling for the piece, clumsy fingers in the cool dark. Danielle is so close she can hardly bear it, and the moment stretches on forever. She realizes that it's actually been a while when Danielle softly asks if she can find it.

"Can't," she admits, and then Danielle is pressed against her back, one hand sliding along Wanda's arm, to find her hand and guide it.

"No, a little higher... there."

Wanda slides her arm out and sets the piece on the floor with a metallic click. Danielle's breasts are soft against her back and there's too much warmth and closeness. She croaks, and tries to roll away but somehow they're tangled and she ends up facing Danielle who's still too close and then they're kissing even if Wanda isn't very good at it and she can't breathe and doesn't want to. She's not even sure if she remembers how because she's burning and lost and just whimpers into her partner's mouth. She can't stop herself, and plunges ahead so she won't have to think.


Re: 10/12? anonymous November 13 2012, 01:38:13 UTC
lord help me is there any more of this? this is the best watchmen fic i have /ever read/. perfect and adorable and steamy omg!!!


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