Watchmen Kink Meme 4: The Fab, Fantastic Four

Jan 08, 2010 10:56

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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Just one more egg fill.... 2/3 anonymous March 14 2010, 23:27:31 UTC
He stepped out of the tub, probably intending to stomp away and disappear, but his legs wobbled and his hands were still protectively over his belly. Dan grabbed him.

“You can’t just walk off and leave this!”

“Hot water will take care of it,” Rorschach said, but he hung his head and wouldn’t look at him. “They’ll dissolve and go down the drain.”


“Happens every year.” He looked back at the pile of eggs and there was so much despair and resignation in those three words that Dan’s heart twisted. He remembered Rorschach‘s worst furies directed at neglected or abandoned newborns and how he hadn‘t been able to shut up about what was wrong with a population that insisted on so many abortions. All that from someone who went through an inhuman stillbirth every year?

“Jesus,” he whispered.

“Need… more than just me,” Rorschach said. “But there isn’t any. I don’t have anyone-“ He checked himself quickly. “Anything. Empty. Told you.”

“Yes, you do.” Dan heard himself say. Rorschach sneered and tried to pull away, but Dan didn’t let go. “Oh no. You’re not leaving. Not after this.”

“Am fine,” Rorschach hissed but Dan pinned him against the door jam.

“There is nothing fine about any of this!” Dan raged, but then dropped back to whisper. “Why didn’t you tell me?? I would’ve done something, would’ve helped! I could’ve-!”

“Could have what??” Rorschach wailed back. His composure was crumbling all over again. “I’m not like you, not like anybody, couldn’t ask for-Grahh!” He caught himself again and covered his face with his hands. The smell from the eggs was getting worse as the hot water broke them open.

“Ask for what?” Dan asked, low and dangerous, and then Rorschach was pressing against him, wrapping arms around, and mashing their mouths together. He was livid with shame and grief, but so tired of being empty. Dan scooped him up and carried him down the hall, away from the bathroom and the empty eggs. By the time they got to the bed, Rorschach was already apologizing.

“It’s ok,” Dan tried to tell him. “I want to. I want to. I always have. ” Then: “Am I taking advantage here? Some post-hormonal thing that would make you…?”

“No,” Rorschach groaned. “Always, too.” He hooked an arm over his eyes, like he couldn’t bear to look after admitting that and Dan started on his shirt buttons. Kissing down the pale body was like dripping aloe on a sunburn. Rorschach hissed and sighed at every touch like it was the worst pain and best relief until Dan got to the egg-slit. It was almost invisible now so his thumbs pulled the skin tight enough to part it. Rorschach jerked up with a real sound of pain and Dan released it.

“Sore?” he asked. When Rorschach nodded, he ran his tongue over it. That got a whimper, so he kept going, licking and mouthing the spot, trying to kiss the pain away until Rorschach was hard against his neck and winding hands in his hair.

“Now,” Rorschach whispered. Dan obediently sank lower, but was yanked back up. “Now!”

“I’m trying!” Dan’s protest was cut short as legs wrapped around him and Rorschach attempted to pull him into position with brute force. A leg was thrown over his shoulder so roughly that the knee smacked him in the ear. It rang for a minute but then Rorschach’s whispers became audible.

“-empty anymore. Wanted it to be you. Needed. Knew you would never. Hated feeling so hollow. Eggs the same. Empty and hard and bitter and Daniel, please!”

Dan wanted to ease into him gently, but the begging and the legs tightening and the way Rorschach’s hips rolled up in welcome made it impossible. They got tangled for a moment, but then settled into a delirious pounding rhythm that made the bedsprings cry and Rorschach wail. Dan held him by his hips, but let his palms slide over to press against his belly. He could feel the muscles rolling from the effort of meeting each thrust, feel the tremor of impact, and there was something else too, something he was pretty sure wasn’t in his own plumbing.

Sea horses, he thought suddenly. Male seahorses. Then his hands went lower Rorschach came with a scream. The clench triggered his own and he lay in a sweaty daze, only dimly aware that the arms and legs around him weren’t going to let him move for a long time.


Re: Just one more egg fill.... 2/3 anonymous March 14 2010, 23:38:36 UTC
ffffffuck that was hot


Re: Just one more egg fill.... 2/3 anonymous March 14 2010, 23:44:28 UTC
Aw, poor Virginschach and his empty eggs. Now that Dan has finally done him, will the next batch be frogmen or salamandermen or more fishmen or what? And the whole 'soft spot for kids' thing is now unbearably fucking poignant.


Re: Just one more egg fill.... 2/3 anonymous March 15 2010, 00:00:10 UTC
F5 F5 F5 F5


what is this I don't even kovacsisdead March 15 2010, 00:24:21 UTC
rrrrk, oh lord why am I so hooked in this??


What is happening to my world??


Re: what is this I don't even anonymous March 15 2010, 01:02:31 UTC

captcha says 'satisfy going' - I think it has the right idea


Re: what is this I don't even anonymous March 15 2010, 01:11:07 UTC
I KNOWWW... I can't even believe I'm writing it.


Re: what is this I don't even kovacsisdead March 15 2010, 01:19:50 UTC
DON'T GET ALL DISBELIEVING NOW!!! You must write more!!!


Just one more egg fill.... 3a/3 anonymous March 15 2010, 01:30:39 UTC
It didn’t take a whole year, which came as a shock to Rorschach. He was used to having them forced out when his cycle gave up on them being fertilized. The first time he became aware of them, he gasped and dropped to his knees.

“Moved!” He sounded horrified. “Have never felt them move befo-” He stopped and looked up. Dan saw his jaw drop under the mask. Even if they were in costume, on the street, Dan cupped his jaw and kissed him.

The next weeks were weird ones. Rorschach was beside himself with hope, but trying to keep it reined in. “Just in case,” he had muttered and Dan’s heart had almost stopped at the thought of how crushed he would be if something went wrong this time. The suggestion that Rorschach give up patrolling was meant with resistance until Dan threw a ‘just in case’ back at him. So Rorschach concentrated on research and Nite Owl did the leg work.

Luckily, they were both home when the first pain hit. They were on the couch, Dan teasing more and more enthusiastic kisses out of him. Rorschach had stopped hiding all his pains and panics and sat up with a ‘ngh!’

“What?” Dan asked. Rorschach clutched his stomach and Dan’s eyes went wide. He had jumped up, grabbed Rorschach, and then carried him off like a new bride over his protests. There was a cushion in the tub now and a warm, wet blanket to catch the eggs in. Dan was pulling his shirt off him and lifting him in the tub and it would’ve felt silly if the next spasm hadn’t bent him in half.

It hurt like always, but this time there were hands on him, massaging and soothing the cramps, kisses along his jaw and down his throat, and encouragement whispered into his chest. What if it wasn’t enough? What if they were still dead and useless when they came out? How could he bear having failed again, and this time, to have failed Dan as well? Tears welled up. He wasn’t ready!

But Dan had slid down to encourage the slit open with his tongue and it was working. The muscles responded, relaxed, and when the opening appeared Dan slid a finger inside it.

“What are you doing??“ Rorschach gasped. A muscle spasm shook him and he felt something internal tighten around the finger. When it relaxed, Dan slid in a second one.

“Does it help? I thought it wouldn’t hurt so much if you had help widening and whoa!” Another convulsion sent a wave of something warm bubbling up. They both felt it. Rorschach grabbed Dan’s shoulders digging in his fingers.

“It’s ok,” Dan said. He had cupped his hands around the opening like he has seen Rorschach do the year before. “It’s ok. We’re ready. Just let it happen.”

“Not ready!” Rorschach sobbed, but another ripple, another hot gush, and the first egg spilled out.

“Oh my God,” breathed Dan. Rorschach couldn’t look. The next wave hit, blurring his vision to a pink haze. He could feel them pouring out of him. The pain squeezed him, making it impossible to count, to ask, or to hear the answer. It wrung him and he cried out as the last bit left him. An aftershock of pain went through and then receded. He was in a cold sweat and shaking and then heard Dan’s voice, soft and strange with wonder.

“My God, look at their eyes…” Rorschach looked up, the fear sinking back in now that the pain wasn’t drowning it. Dan had them gathered in the wet blanket. The pink jelly was brighter, almost really red and encased inside, small pale creatures curled into transparent eggs. Their dark eyes were visible through their eyelids. They looked human except for their size. There were three pale empty eggs too, but that pang was smothered at the sight of the other five.

Eight was less than usual, but maybe living eggs needed more room and so there couldn’t be as many and it didn’t matter, it didn’t matter, if there had been only one it would still be enough because it was alive, they were alive. He could see their little hearts pulsing inside them and they were so warm, he just wanted to bury his hands and face in the pile and feel how warm and alive they were.


Re: Just one more egg fill.... 3a/3 anonymous March 15 2010, 01:39:43 UTC
awww... this is so sweet... *sniffs* :'(


Just one more egg fill.... 3b/3 The end for now anonymous March 15 2010, 01:41:05 UTC
He didn’t. He contented himself with stroking them gently. There was a faint crooning sound somewhere, It was probably him. Dan was rubbing his back, petting his hair, not saying anything, just radiating joy. Too soon, part of Rorschach thought. Haven’t hatched yet. Could still die. He tried to ignore it.

“I wasn’t sure what they’d look like,” he admitted when he could speak. Dan smiled and reached to wipe his cheeks with his thumbs. Rorschach hadn’t realized he was still crying.

“Thought of any names?” Dan asked and Rorschach crumbled.

“No,” he wept. “Didn’t want to have names for nothingness. Still could die. Never done this before. Might do something wrong and they all die.” He pulled the dead eggs out of the string, ran a shaking hand over them once, and then pulled away. Dan picked up the whole bundle to set it in Rorschach’s lap. He curled around it, holding it to his chest. Would they recognize his heartbeat as the same one they’d been sharing so long? Dan wrapped the dead eggs in another cloth and put them in a box he had also brought. He really had thought of everything.

“Give it some thought,” he said. “We’ve got time.” Rorschach quivered and then kissed him hard. It was relief and joy and hope for the future. It was life out of nothing, and all those things were more than he had ever expected to have.


Re: Just one more egg fill.... 3b/3 The end for now anonymous March 15 2010, 01:47:30 UTC
D'aaaaaaaaawww T__T<3

I'm not gonna press for another part, but what is Rorschach here, anyway? I figure you don't really know, but is he an amphibian?


Re: Just one more egg fill.... 3b/3 The end for now anonymous March 15 2010, 02:09:26 UTC
I hadn't given it a lot of thought beyond that maybe Sylvia hadn't been enough of a princess to kiss Charlie into full human-hood. Or maybe it was Sylvia, and seeing his children spewed out in a bathtub had been what sent Charlie packing. Maybe poor Walter was the only one that survived and when his mother died that hermaphro-morphism stuff happened to him too. Hmm. Options.


Re: Just one more egg fill.... 3b/3 The end for now anonymous March 15 2010, 02:55:22 UTC
Hurm. The second one sounds depressingly like Walter's usual luck, and makes me incredibly sorry for frog!Sylvia.


Re: Just one more egg fill.... 3b/3 The end for now anonymous March 15 2010, 01:50:25 UTC
I am so happy for Ror and Dan! are their babies going to survive? will they fight crime with them? oh pleeease <3


OP anonymous March 15 2010, 02:42:36 UTC
Dan wrapped the dead eggs in another cloth and put them in a box he had also brought. He really had thought of everything.

Dan bringing the box really was touching. I wonder if they'll give them a proper burial, with a headstone and everything. Either way, the sentiment alone was a great addition to the scene.

Lovely anon. Thank you.


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