Watchmen Kink Meme 4: The Fab, Fantastic Four

Jan 08, 2010 10:56

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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The After Party 2/3? anonymous April 18 2010, 02:59:57 UTC
Laurie calls her mother from the Nest, telling her vaguely where she is, and that she's being decontaminated from some weird chemical agent and not to worry. And it's sort of true. Nite Owl has opted to shower while she makes the call, and so she finds herself uneasily sharing space with Rorschach. She's sort of dimly shocked at how badly she wants to fuck him. This is a hell of a drug, but... She whimpers, rock hard again underneath his coat. She sort of wants to give it back to him to make it harder to see the trim lines of his body, but figures he'd much rather she keep it so he doesn't have to look at her schlong. Not that it's all that easy to tell where he's looking in that mask anyway.

The water runs and the silence drags out. "...Uh, is it hard to see through that thing?"


"I'm sorry I fucked your boyfriend." He flinches. "Yeah, that was tactful. How long have you guys been together?"

"...Six months."

"I'm really sorry."

"Drugged." He growls.

Before she can come up with any kind of reply, Nite Owl comes padding out again, wrapped in a bathrobe and unmasked, his dark hair sleek with water. "Sorry about that. It's all yours. There are extra towels." She barely hears a word that's coming out of his pretty, pretty mouth, but manages to stagger to the bathroom, leaving the coat outside the door. It's still warm from Nite Owl's shower, full of steam. Poking through the medicine cabinet like the nosy little bitch she is, she finds a cornucopia of pain pills, some medical tape, three boxes of cough drops, and a dark bottle of something that makes he realize why guys wear cologne. Rorschach obviously steals it, and the idea of him wearing Nite Owl's scent, of wanting to, makes her weak in the knees.

She knows jerking off is like scratching poison ivy, but she can't possibly resist doing it twice before she gets out, flushed and weak. She doesn't mean to sneak up on them. Really she doesn't, but she walks quietly and they're very distracted. Rorschach has tugged his mask up to cover Nite Owl's chest in wet kisses and sharp little bites, one hand busy under the robe. He's making soft whining sounds as if he's the one being touched, and as she watches he kisses Nite Owl like he wants to devour him, both of them moaning softly.

Laurie doesn't know she's made a sound of her own until they both look up at her. Rorschach's mouth is so red from what he's been doing. She wants to taste him, and has taken three steps towards them before she knows it. They look up and she manages to stop herself. "S-sorry, I--"

"Buddy, I know you don't like this, but we have to take care of her."

"Who's we, white man?" Rorschach growls, and Laurie giggles, even if it feels like she's about to explode.

"Me, then."

"Self-stimulation genuinely ineffective?"

Nite Owl looks wounded. "Rorschach, do you really think I'd--"

He holds up his other hand, still in its glove. "Fine. Proceed."

"'Proceed'?" Laurie giggles, and he hunches his shoulders in a way that makes her wish she hadn't. "I wasn't kidding, before." She adds, her voice soft. "If you want to join in, I won't mind. Nite Owl is your partner, after all."


Re: The After Party 2/3? anonymous April 18 2010, 17:01:58 UTC

And in the interests of slightly more clarity: porn = smokin' hot. Little side details* = this Anon on fire.

*like Laurie's "tact" and obvious sixteen year old-osity, and Walter calling her "miss", and Dan being mature and sensible in the face of all these nutters who fancy him.

Spit-roast immanent? THIRTY FIVE MINUTES AGO IMMANENT? y/y?


author anonymous April 18 2010, 21:57:52 UTC
Thanks, I've done my best to write teenage!Laurie. And a Rorschach who's fucked up about sex but not quite so... post-Roche ahead of his time?

Holy shit, 'atropos much'. Are the starbabies supposed to make a cameo?


The After Party 3/4 or Don't Care, Don't Care, Where's My Okama Gamesphere? anonymous April 25 2010, 06:24:22 UTC
He doesn't actually mean to join in. Really, he doesn't, but he gets jealous. After all, Daniel has never done any of this with him. It's his own fault, and that just makes him more annoyed as Daniel thrusts into Laurel, his weight pinning her to the floor as she moans and beats her hands against it, legs wrapping back and around him. She's just enjoying it so goddamn much, and she has an excuse, and he's growling in irritation before he knows it.

"H-harder!" She whimpers, and Daniel is so obedient that Rorschach's resolve snaps.

"Cutting in." He growls, stripping down to his mask, not even caring that the lights are on and they can see how knobbly and bony he is. Laurel blinks stupidly at him, but Daniel blinks.

"Are you sure?"


"Look, if we're taking a moment anyway..." He moans, reluctantly sliding Laurel off as she mewls in protest, "We might as well make things a little more comfortable."

"Don't care." Rorschach growls.

"Well, I do, and you will tomorrow." Daniel moans as Laurel absently wraps a hand around his cock, and barely manages to break away to drag the blankets off the cot and out of the emergency cupboards to make a soft, warm nest that they burrow into gratefully, the chill of the basement setting in.

"Shit." Laurel says, her face poking out of the blankets. "Do we have lube?"

"Be prepared, that's my motto." Daniel says, and laughs, showing them a small pot of Vaseline.

"Fuckin' A. Okay, Rorschach, where do you wanna be?"

The ink of his mask swirls as he blushes. "I..." He coughs. "Nite Owl and I haven't..."

"Omigod, really?" Her hands fly to her mouth. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay if you don't want to." Daniel whimpers, so good, so selfless even with this drug riding him.

"Would like..." He fights the impulse to cover his face. "Have never..." He gives up and goes on his hands and knees, whimpering as Daniel rubs a hand over him, fingertips just brushing over his hole, shamefully previously prepared by his own fingers and a variety of objects. He whines in assent, hanging his head. "You want me inside you?" Daniel murmurs, and his voice is dark, caressing every word and making Rorschach shudder. He nods, because he's had dreams about Daniel's hands, about his mouth and about plunging into him until they're both screaming, and he moans now as Daniel slides one finger into him. "Oh Jesus, Rorschach." He breathes. "God, you feel so good..."

"More." He croaks, the flush spreading down to his neck and shoulders as Laurel rolls his mask up.

"Mind if I kiss you?" She breathes, and he doesn't really know what to do and suddenly her lips on her on his, and he can't stop whimpering because they're so unbelievably soft and Daniel just keeps working deeper, knowledgeable fingers spreading him further and further open. He moans, and she echoes him. "God, I wouldn't have thought you'd be so good. He always like this, Nite Owl?"

"Yeah." Daniel purrs. "Sometimes we just kiss for an hour. Don't we, buddy?" He murmurs, licking a line of fire up Rorschach's spine, making him groan.

"Please," he whimpers, desperate to be pierced and owned, ashamed of his desire. "Oh god, please..."

"You don't have to beg, I've wanted to do this forever." He kisses a spot between Rorschach's shoulder blades that makes him whimper, and slides his fingers out. Rorschach wails when he slides in, and tries to hide his face, but Laurel is kissing him again and he can only moan, helpless between them.


Re: The After Party 3/4 or Don't Care, Don't Care, Where's My Okama Gamesphere? anonymous April 25 2010, 16:29:49 UTC
This is one of the hottest OT3s I've read in a while. And I'm a sucker for "buddy," every time.


Re: The After Party 3/4 or Don't Care, Don't Care, Where's My Okama Gamesphere? anonymous April 25 2010, 17:36:42 UTC
Oh dear god, Rorschach aggesssively bottoming is... is... hnnngh... And Laurie being so apologetic-yet-greedy is so hot I don't even. And DAN--! "You don't have to beg, I've wanted to do this forever." ...*faints*


The After Party 4/4 anonymous April 26 2010, 10:05:01 UTC
He can't even kiss back anymore, but Laurel is active enough for both of them, consuming his slack mouth as he moans under Daniel, incapable of doing anything else. She's making little whining noises, like a small and hungry animal, and Rorschach groans, licking the line of her jaw. She squeaks. "H-h-help me." She's bright red and looks like she might have some kind of attack at any moment, and her eyes are desperate. She begs him again to help her, shaking. She sits back and the wet tip of her cock brushes his chin. He mewls, and opens his mouth. He had wanted Daniel to be the first, but Daniel is deep inside him, rutting mindlessly against some spot that makes it impossible to think, murmuring, "Suck her, Rorschach, I want to see your mouth on her." And that makes them both moan, and then he's doing it, the rounded tip pressing against the roof of his mouth. Laurel bucks her hips and forces it further back, making him gag. His body tightens, and Daniel groans, bucking against him as Laurel breathes an apology, struggling to get more contact without choking him. He groans and licks all over her, making a mess that she doesn't seem to mind, whimpering and digging her nails into the back of his neck. He feels like the rope in a game of tug-o-war, stretched between them, sometimes dragged forward until he can't breathe around Laurel and doesn't want to, sometimes pulled back until Daniel is so deep it hurts. And the whole time, they cover him in kisses, stroke his freckled skin and tell him that he's gorgeous, that he feels perfect. He loses track of how many times they come, feeling delirious and wrung out. By the end he's unbearably sore. He just likes there, mouth and thighs sticky, and tries to catch his breath, trembling with exhaustion, relief, and shame.

"Crap, I think we broke him."

"Rorschach?" Daniel's gentle hand on his shoulder shakes him out of a doze. "You okay, baby?" And he hardly ever calls him that, and Rorschach sobs, unresisting as Daniel takes him into his arms. He's apologizing softly when Rorschach puts a finger to his lips.

"Okay. It's okay."

"Uh, are you sure?" And Laurel sounds so worried and guilty and young that he just sighs.

"Sure. Would like to be alone with partner if you are feeling sufficiently recovered."

"Okay." She stands up on shaky legs, wrapped in one of the blankets. "Uh..."

"Not angry with you." He cuddles into Daniel's shoulder.

"We'll talk, okay, Laurie?"

"Yeah. I'll go take another shower."

"Good call."

Rorschach sighs, and just holds onto Daniel for a while. He feels unmoored, uncontrolled and whorish, and he needs to just breathe for a while, safe in Daniel's arms. He seems to understand that, wrapping them up in a blanket and only speaking to tell Rorschach he loves him. After a while he kisses the taste of Laurel out of his mouth, and Rorschach sighs, dozing off again as Daniel slowly rubs his back, letting him know without words that it's all right.


Re: The After Party 4/4 anonymous April 27 2010, 04:14:53 UTC
Fuck, anon. I think you broke me, too. This whole thing has been unspeakably hot but this, this is like an unbirthday present, just for us. :D

I cannot come up with anything more coherent, apologies. Brain is running at a low simmer and there's not much more I can ask it to do.

Just. GUH.


After the ball 1/ anonymous April 28 2010, 22:40:27 UTC
OP says

Sorry for not commenting right away, anon -- this was just an overflowing embarrassment of riches of a fill. And then I couldn't stop thinking about the backstory of Laurie's Giant Cock, so here is a long talky piece of non-porn after-after-party sequel sequel. Thank you for filling us with wisdomporn, anon. Never stop.

In the shower Laurie slumps against the wall and lets the hot water run over her body. Her cock is limp, finally, though not much smaller ("Well, if you gotta be hung, honey, at least you're hung like a bear," Sally says in her memory), and kinda sore. So is her cunt, where Nite Owl fucked her, and she fingers it carefully to see if she bled. Nope. Must have busted her hymen crimefighting or riding a bike or something.

Not bad, she tells herself. Fucked three people your first time out. Both genders and all three holes, and she giggles a little hysterically under the spray. She guesses it's good to have gotten it over with; maybe now it won't be as big a deal someday when (if) she finally ends up taking her clothes off in front of a guy who isn't drugged or gay.

She thinks about Doctor Manhattan, who she's been kinda sorta working on seducing. She picked him because she figured he already knows everything he's ever going to know about her, so no unpleasant shock when her panties come off. Besides, she can't imagine Jon being shocked by anything. Or disgusted. She wonders if he knows about this, too, now, if somewhere down the timeline she is lying in his arms and telling him about tonight.

The only shampoo Nite Owl has is Head & Shoulders but it's better than nothing, so she works it through her hair to get the smell of Twilight Lady's boudoir out. She thinks about Rorschach, lying in Nite Owl's arms right now. It would have been nice to have that, she thinks; after all, it was her first time too. Then she there's shampoo in her eyes and she scrubs it out, telling herself firmly that she is not going to feel empty and she is not going to be clingy and pathetic, the way some girls on TV do after their first time. She was drugged, and it was fun, it was just sex.

It doesn't have to be special.

She'll get Nite Owl to lend her some clothes, and then he'll call her a cab, and she'll go home. And that will be that.

But there is already a folded bundle laid out for her when she steps out of the shower: boxers and sweatpants and a soft, worn Harvard t-shirt, and a note saying when you're done, come upstairs in Nite Owl's big looping handwriting.

Upstairs, she realizes as she sticks her head through the door, is Nite Owl's actual house. His actual kitchen in fact. It's ludicrously homey and old-fashioned, and there are owl-themed objects everywhere.

Rorschach is sitting at the table, mask pulled down again, in trousers and shirtsleeves, and Nite Owl is standing barefoot in a robe at the stove, cooking what smells like scrambled eggs. I had my dick in him, she thinks, experimentally, and then, He had his dick in me. Somehow it feels weird to see someone she just fucked standing there scrambling eggs.

She smells coffee, too, and realizes she's ravenously hungry.

"We just burned a lot of energy," Nite Owl says, turning to look at her as she comes in. "Trust me, if we don't eat something we're both going to feel pretty bad tomorrow morning."

He's wearing glasses.

It helps, somehow, being allowed into his real kitchen and seeing his real glasses. He looks dorky in them, and pretty; it had never occurred to her that the goggles might be prescription. She sits down in the chair next to Rorschach and Nite Owl puts a mug of coffee in front of her, black, without even asking. She is utterly horrified to feel herself starting to cry.

Rorschach is the one who notices, even though Laurie is looking at the ceiling as fiercely as she can and blinking hard, and breathing in through her nose to keep the tears in. "Miss Jupiter," he growls, alarmed, and she says, "Juspeczyk. It's p-Polish."


Re: After the ball 1/4 now without formatting issues anonymous April 28 2010, 22:44:20 UTC
OP says

Sorry for not commenting right away, anon -- this was just an overflowing embarrassment of riches of a fill. And then I couldn't stop thinking about the backstory of Laurie's Giant Cock, so here is a long talky piece of non-porn after-after-party sequel sequel. Thank you for filling us with wisdomporn, anon. Never stop.

In the shower Laurie slumps against the wall and lets the hot water run over her body. Her cock is limp, finally, though not much smaller ("Well, if you gotta be hung, honey, at least you're hung like a bear," Sally says in her memory), and kinda sore. So is her cunt, where Nite Owl fucked her, and she fingers it carefully to see if she bled. Nope. Must have busted her hymen crimefighting or riding a bike or something.

Not bad, she tells herself. Fucked three people your first time out. Both genders and all three holes, and she giggles a little hysterically under the spray. She guesses it's good to have gotten it over with; maybe now it won't be as big a deal someday when (if) she finally ends up taking her clothes off in front of a guy who isn't drugged or gay.

She thinks about Doctor Manhattan, who she's been kinda sorta working on seducing. She picked him because she figured he already knows everything he's ever going to know about her, so no unpleasant shock when her panties come off. Besides, she can't imagine Jon being shocked by anything. Or disgusted. She wonders if he knows about this, too, now, if somewhere down the timeline she is lying in his arms and telling him about tonight.

The only shampoo Nite Owl has is Head & Shoulders but it's better than nothing, so she works it through her hair to get the smell of Twilight Lady's boudoir out. She thinks about Rorschach, lying in Nite Owl's arms right now. It would have been nice to have that, she thinks; after all, it was her first time too. Then she there's shampoo in her eyes and she scrubs it out, telling herself firmly that she is not going to feel empty and she is not going to be clingy and pathetic, the way some girls on TV do after their first time. She was drugged, and it was fun, it was just sex.

It doesn't have to be special.

She'll get Nite Owl to lend her some clothes, and then he'll call her a cab, and she'll go home. And that will be that.

But there is already a folded bundle laid out for her when she steps out of the shower: boxers and sweatpants and a soft, worn Harvard t-shirt, and a note saying when you're done, come upstairs in Nite Owl's big looping handwriting.

Upstairs, she realizes as she sticks her head through the door, is Nite Owl's actual house. His actual kitchen in fact. It's ludicrously homey and old-fashioned, and there are owl-themed objects everywhere.

Rorschach is sitting at the table, mask pulled down again, in trousers and shirtsleeves, and Nite Owl is standing barefoot in a robe at the stove, cooking what smells like scrambled eggs. I had my dick in him, she thinks, experimentally, and then, He had his dick in me. Somehow it feels weird to see someone she just fucked standing there scrambling eggs.

She smells coffee, too, and realizes she's ravenously hungry.

"We just burned a lot of energy," Nite Owl says, turning to look at her as she comes in. "Trust me, if we don't eat something we're both going to feel pretty bad tomorrow morning."

He's wearing glasses.

It helps, somehow, being allowed into his real kitchen and seeing his real glasses. He looks dorky in them, and pretty; it had never occurred to her that the goggles might be prescription. She sits down in the chair next to Rorschach and Nite Owl puts a mug of coffee in front of her, black, without even asking. She is utterly horrified to feel herself starting to cry.

Rorschach is the one who notices, even though Laurie is looking at the ceiling as fiercely as she can and blinking hard, and breathing in through her nose to keep the tears in. "Miss Jupiter," he growls, alarmed, and she says, "Juspeczyk. It's p-Polish."


After the ball 2/4 anonymous April 28 2010, 22:45:38 UTC
Nite Owl turns at the quaver in her voice, and Laurie is terribly aware that she's sitting there in Nite Owl's oversized clothes, with half her makeup kissed off and the rest washed off in the shower. She's sure she looks about 12 years old. Nite Owl looks horrified.

"Laurie? What's wrong?" he says.

"It's nothing," she says, blinking. "I think I'm just, um, crashing. Isn't that what happens after you take a drug?"

Oh, god, and it is exactly the wrong thing to say; she realizes it practically as the words leave her mouth. Now they're going to know that she's never been high before, either.

"Oh my god," Nite Owl says, and fuck, this is all going wrong. "That was ...."

"No," she says, trying to make it sound like the dumbest possible suggestion. "Totally not. I've totally had sex before." And then before she can stop herself she's switching from bluster to sarcasm. "I'm totally fine whipping out my giant cock for unsuspecting dudes all the time, of course it was my first fucking time, what did you think?"

She knows they are both staring at her, but she's concentrating on not letting her nose run, and then her vision is blurring and tears are squeezing out of her eyes and making their way down her face. She feels her mouth twist. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

There's a clunk. She looks down and sees a blurry plate of eggs in front of her.

While she's still staring at them, she feels Rorschach's small, dry hand enfold hers. She looks up. Nite Owl is sitting across from her. Laurie stares at him and hiccups.

"I'm sorry," he says. "We should have realized. Um. Look, let's eat our eggs and go in the living room and you can tell us about it. Ok? Um, I'm Dan."

There's a little pause while he stares meaningly at Rorschach until Rorschach says, "Rorschach."

"Did your momma name you that?" Laurie recovers enough to ask.

"Named myself," he says, and she looks over at him and even though the mask is down, she can tell he's being honest.


Dan (Dan!) settles them in the living room , which is just as homey and old-fashioned as the kitchen, with huge glasses of water. Laurie sits crosslegged on the couch with her bare feet tucked under her.

"I didn't think," Dan says, sounding wretched. "I should have thought."

"It's ok," Laurie says, sipping her water. "I mean. It's about as good a first time as I could have expected, considering..." She makes a gesture toward her lap, where her cock is hanging free inside the loose boxers. It's incredibly comfortable, for once, not to have it tucked up between her legs.

Rorschach is shifting uneasily in his armchair.

"Deflowered you," he rasps.

Now that they're paying attention to her it's easier to be confident. "Oh come on," she says. "We're even, ok? we deflowered each other. Like ... like Romeo and Juliet."

That sets Dan off, snerking into his sleeve. "What?"

"In a really fucked-up production," he says, and she starts to make snerking sounds too. Rorschach is unmoved, but he seems to relax fractionally.


Re: After the ball 1/4 now without formatting issues anonymous April 28 2010, 22:46:58 UTC
When they both wind down Dan looks at her with his slightly magnified, very kind eyes. "When did it start?" he asks. "I mean. Did you always...?"

And then somehow it's easier than she thought it would be to just tell them. "I was normal until I was eleven," Laurie says. "Then it just started ... growing." She squinches up her face. "Worst puberty ever."

"What did you do?" This from Rorschach, still and watchful on the armchair.

"I tried to ignore it. Knew it wasn't supposed to happen but I guess I hoped if I didn't look at it or touch it, it would go away." She shrugs. "It didn't."

"Uh, what about your mother?" Dan asks.

"She's not like me." Laurie looks down. "I couldn't hide it forever. I mean, it was basically this size by the time I was about thirteen. Mom freaked when she found out."

She remembers Sally rocking her and calling her 'baby," crying and ranting about the CIA and chemicals and taking after your father. Laurie knew Sally didn't mean Larry, that she was talking about Laurie's real father, Hooded Justice. But she didn't say anything, because she wasn't supposed to know about that. Mostly she had just wished she was dead.

"Anyway, she wasn't going to let a little thing like a giant dick ruin her plans for me," Laurie says, feeling a little proud of how bitter and grown-up she sounds. "She got some of her old showbiz friends, a couple of old drag queens, and they came over and showed me how to use a gaff."

Dan says, "So you just ... tuck it? Isn't it uhh, uncomfortable when you ... uhhh..."

"It's worse when I get a hardon," Laurie says. "Which is like, all the fucking time."

They both actually wince sympathetically.

"I can't stop thinking about ... doing things. That we did." She blushes, tells herself again, I've been inside them both, I've had my cock inside them, and makes herself say, "I think about fucking men. Women too. I ... I think I'm a freak."

"You're not a freak," Dan says. "And if you are, you're in good company." He sighs. "Look, it's almost four in the morning. Why don't you just crash here tonight, I'll go call your mother and let her know her you're ok."

"Don't tell her what we did," Laurie says as he gets up.

Dan raises his eyebrows and cracks a grin. "I'm not suicidal, Laurie."


After the ball 4/4 (3/4 above, durr) anonymous April 28 2010, 22:49:18 UTC
He and Rorschach go, and Laurie pulls the throw-blanket off the back of the couch and burrows into it. She can hear them talking in low voices in the hall, and she thinks about how amazing it was working her way inside Dan, how much tighter he felt than Leslie's loose, wet cunt. How coming in Rorschach's throat had felt like the best thing in the world, as if it was what she was made for. She wonders if he'll ever let her do it again.

She only realizes that she fell asleep when Rorschach touches her shoulder and says her name.

"Oh, hey," she says, still groggy. "I think I hit the wall."

"Bedroom's upstairs," he says, and helps her stand. She stumble a little against him, and he holds her up, his hand warm on the small of her back. They're almost the same height.

"I'm sorry I fucked your boyfriend," she says.

He makes a noise in his throat. "Language unnecessarily lewd." She smiles, because she can already tell that means he's not angry.

"Had need," he says more quietly. "Carry a heavy burden. Cannot begrudge you."

It's not quite "Sure, any time," but it'll do. She can't help but lean forward to kiss his cheek, and she thinks he's blushing under the mask.

Dan meets them at the top of the stairs. "Um, you're welcome to bed down with us," he says. "Or, uh, there's also the guest room, if, you know, you'd feel more comfortable..."

She wasn't expecting the relief she feels. "No, that's fine," she says, trying not to tear up again. "That's great, thanks."

They let her sleep in the middle; she can tell they're holding hands outside the covers, and it feels good to share this, the warmth between them. Dan pulls her closer, and she almost flinches before she remembers that she doesn't have to worry about him feeling her cock against his thigh.

"These boxers are so comfortable," she murmurs sleepily. "Mom only lets me wear panties."

"I'll get you a pack," Dan says. She's too worn out to get hard again, but it feels good when he rocks against her a little, and she realizes Rorschach has taken his mask off in the dark when she fees his eyelashes against her cheek as he kisses her. He feeds her slow, sleepy kisses, and Dan fondles her affectionately, and as exhaustion overtakes her she thinks she's been adopted like a kitten. Maybe that's ok.



author of first fill loves you anonymous April 29 2010, 01:33:40 UTC
This shit is adorable. I think you should write another brick of porn for this 'verse. XD


op loves you toooooooo anonymous April 29 2010, 01:48:05 UTC
dude I am so glad you liked it, I was really nervous to write it since your fills were so gorgeous. But I had to tell the Story of the Cock.

More porn? I'll...consider it. : )

ps: I really love all the stuff you've been posting lately.


tinfoil hat anonymous April 29 2010, 07:51:42 UTC
How do you know it's meeee? o__o

Seriously, I'm narcissistic and always want to know about myself. XD


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