Watchmen Kink Meme 4: The Fab, Fantastic Four

Jan 08, 2010 10:56

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 28 2010, 20:28:41 UTC
His lips are just as soft as men have always told her they are, but there's a tension in the jaw that wants to bite and snap. She gentles it with a hand on his cheek -- the skin there is so smooth -- and he makes a small broken noise into her mouth. "Walter," she says, and finds herself rolling him over on his back, her arm under his shoulders, her other hand unbuttoning his pants.

He's panicky as a untamed animal, but she knows what he needs even if he doesn't. Sure enough, he stills, breathing in sharp little gasps as she combs through curls to find him, sopping wet and swollen against her fingers.

For a moment it's eerie, like touching herself and not feeling it. Then Walter hiccups and whines and buries his face in the crook of her shoulder, and she works at him just the right way until the little tremors start. She smiles, and starts to take slow, even, devastating passes against his clit, growling curses and endearments until he seizes and bucks in her arms.

It's beautiful.

He clings to her as it passes, taking long, shuddering gulps of air, like a little kid who's just finished a tantrum. "Hey," she says, as gently as she can with Rorschach's voice. "Hey, you're ok. Shhh. It's ok."

His hair has come loose from his collar, falling in tangled hanks over his back. She starts to comb it out with her fingers, and he recovers himself enough to shake his head.

"Hrn. Don't like it loose. Gets in my eyes."

"I'll braid it for you."

That's enough to get him to sit up, scowling. "Hands are disgusting."

She sighs in exasperation, though privately she's relieved. If he's complaining, she can't have broken him too badly. She rolls out of bed, stretching on her way to the sink: her body feels fantastic. He hasn't moved when she comes back with an elastic and a damp washcloth, and he lets her take his hands and run the cloth over them and between the fingers.

"...disgusting," he mutters again, and she snorts. "Ok, all clean. Come on, let me get all this hair out of your way."

She's always liked her own hair but it feels different through Rorschach's fingertips, heavier and somehow coarser, like raw silk. "I haven't worn it like this since I was 13," she says. "But it should be more comfortable."

He nods. She looks down at his bowed shoulders, the little mole on the back of his neck. She feels a sudden piercing tenderness, and she needs to say it, has to say it before she loses her nerve.

"I know how you feel about Dan," she says.

He turns his head to look at her, and her face hasn't had as much practice staying neutral, so she can see a spark of fear and anger. She expects him to deny it, but he only says, "How?"

"I know what your body wants," she says.

He looks away again and crosses his arms, a Rorschachian gesture which isn't as effective with a pair of breasts in the way.

"Doesn't matter," he says finally.

She finishes the end of the braid and slips the elastic off her wrist. "There," she says. "That should be better. Just brush it out at night, and I'll rebraid it for you in the morning."

He nods, and makes to get up. Laurie puts a hand on his wrist.

"He might," she says. "You should say something."

He turns his head, sharply.

"Have you ...?"

"What? God, no. I told you I wouldn't even jack off on my own. We'd never do that. But ... he wants to."

"Of course he does," Walter says. "Pervert."

"I don't think Dan's tastes are ever that simple," she says. "And neither do you, or you wouldn't love him."

"Hrn." He looks away, and she lets go of his wrist, reluctantly. She likes the way it fits in her hand. He opens the door.

"I wouldn't mind," she says. "If, you know, after we switch back. There's enough Dan to go around."

"Conversation is ridiculous," he says, and shuts the door behind him.

Laurie flops back on the bed, sighs, and closes her eyes. Then she hears the door open again, and Walter says, "Thank you, Laurel."

"No, thank you," she says, and grins, and keeps grinning after he shuts the door again and she hears him walk away.



Re: Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 28 2010, 20:39:02 UTC
Oh, bless you, Anon, for posting this all at once - my F5 key would never have survived otherwise!

Aside from the obvious omghawtness, Laurie-as-Rorschach's discussion with Dan after his slip was wonderfully lulzy and poignant. Also, this line:

"Hey," she says, as gently as she can with Rorschach's voice. "Hey, you're ok. Shhh. It's ok."

made me very glad I'm already sitting down. *whimper*...

If your muse sees fit to continue this and resolve the issue with Dan (with mixed-up bodies or in their own), I would happily offer firstborns, cookies, and/or blood sacrifices. Just sayin'. :3


Re: Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 28 2010, 21:31:19 UTC
That fic killed me slowly and in joy. It was so amazing. Every part a explosion for the laughing or hotness.
I mean i can understand Laurie. What would YOU do if you were in Rorschach´s Body? Hey sounds after a good prompt: What would you do if you were in *insertname here of the Watchmencharacter* Body trapped? Thumps up for maybe OT3ness


Re: Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 28 2010, 22:22:49 UTC

Holy shit, anon. XD This is fucking fantastic. This is really what I was thinking of way back when someone suggested bodyswap porn (I think I wrote the first part of that thread, but fucked if I really remember) and gah. You should totally continue this. You are obviously the man for the job. XD

Seriously, you need to at least do all the porny permutations. I don't care how they got this way either, but Laurie totally needs to fuck Dan and there needs to be pegging and there's a whole blackboard of kinky math, here.


Re: Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 28 2010, 22:24:35 UTC
Dude. You handled the whole 'sexual contact with someone else in my own body while being in that other person's body' for Laurie and Rorschach perfectly. Guh.


Re: Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 28 2010, 23:55:21 UTC
OH GAWD PLEASE MOAR! This is great!


Re: Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 29 2010, 00:22:35 UTC
Somebody make a religion out of this so I can convert!
Laurie/Walter cuddling with Dan(with comforters in between) is so cuuute! And them respecting Walter's privacy never ceases to make me d'aww.
Hnnng, the sex, especially Laurie getting Walter(herself) off afterwords and her thinking about how weird(good)her own body feels was...hnng. And Laurie wanting to fuck Dan was just too good. Can't their be an AU where they DO do it?? D:


Re: Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 29 2010, 00:32:38 UTC

Hot as fuck. Need moar like burning.


Re: Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 29 2010, 02:14:57 UTC
Man, this fic is so touching, sexy and funny at the same time! Walter's guilty reaction to Laurie's admission, the fact he knows exactly what to do with it (hahaha, been doing that ALOT haven't you, Walter), and then Laurie's tenderness towards him offsetting her frankness... This fic goes beyond the lulz and into the way their different personalities work against and together!

LOVELY. Now, please consider a sequel with Dan.


Re: Inside Out 5/5 sweetphaex March 29 2010, 09:45:04 UTC


Re: Inside Out 5/5 anonymous March 29 2010, 18:07:21 UTC

Anon, you must be some kind of bodyswap deity.

i loved Laurie enjoying her own body, as it were *waggles eyebrows* Not being out-an-out bi (though she could be) but just being so comfortable with herself that she's enjoying the opportunities presented, and the contrast between that and Walter's self-hatred is beautiful.

And the hair-braiding! i would love the chance to check out the back of my own head :D

But my favouritest part was Dan and Laurie cuddling in bed, and these lines:

"Mm," he says. "That feels so good, Ror- "
They both freeze.
"Okay..." Laurie says carefully.


Re: Inside Out 5/5 hohaiyee July 9 2010, 00:09:52 UTC
I love the twilight zone hot sex, and the insight, I think it's definitely a learning experience, Laurie getting to know how people would react to her if they weren't distracted by her popular beauty, and Walter experiencing a different kind of awkward, lol.

...and awww, in the GN, Laurie's "I knew it!" when they was watching the news reveals that she thought that Walter was some kind of pervert, when really, he's repressed like woah, and I've always that Laurie could grow really protective of Walter if she only got to know him, it's obvious from the way Laurie treats her mother that she could be very brash and very tender.

lol, captcha says "issues dwarfism", and the ink spots looked like this; O_o


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