Watchmen Kink Meme 3. Weeeeeeee.

Sep 09, 2009 09:39

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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She's a Lady 2a/? anonymous December 19 2009, 01:23:51 UTC
“Can't believe that bitch did this,” Dan muttered as he fumbled with the door.

“Put trust in vice queen, get what you deserve,” Rorschach growled, making sure to stay several paces behind him.

“Well I wasn't thinking she could do something like this!” Dan went over to his workbench and looked at his reflection in a polished instrument. “And as for trusting her, I didn't ask her to do this so I didn't think she would. It violates our... we had an understanding.”

“Hnh.” Rorschach made immediately for the stairs. “Should have known you would be sub.”

Dan flushed but managed to increase the outrage in his voice. “Not exactly. And where did you hear that term anyway?”

“Never mind. Going now.”

“Going!” Dan ran over to the steps and yelled up them. “But you can't go! You have to help me figure this out!”

“Under no obligation Daniel! Solve your own messes.” He sounded annoyed, but turned around and came back down the steps. “Will not help, however, if you persist in touching yourself in lewd places.”

“It's my body, I'm just exploring. How on earth is that lewd?”

“Whorish. Disgusting. Activity fit for raunchy teenager. And not your body.”

“Well I'm in it and I'm not picking up on anybody else here. And as for... never mind. Look, she injected me with some kind of chemical, right?” He rummaged for medial supplies in the cabinet; the first aid materials were easily accessible, but he needed some of their lesser used equipment. “So I figure, maybe analyzing my blood will give us something.” He pulled out a syringe. “Care to help me with this?”

Rorschach growled, a sound that was quickly becoming a constant refrain, but went to a nearby sink to wash his gloves before putting latex ones on top of them. Dan noticed that, even though he had gloves upon gloves, they were still a little loose. He cleaned off Daniel's upper arm and withdrew the sample.

“Fantastic! I'll start looking at it right away.”

“And get dressed,” Rorschach grumbled. “Look like a whore in that.”

“Stop saying that! I'm your partner, not a whore.”

“Hurm. Excellent disguise, then.”

“Quiet, I need to focus,” Dan snapped. Carefully, he held the syringe above a glass slide and let a couple drop of blood fall onto it before dropping a cover slip on top. “Now lets see if this can tell us anything...”

He peered into the microscope and made various adjustments to the lens and placement of the slide. But there was nothing he could see, nothing but platelets. Pushing the machine away in frustration, he looked at Rorschach with an aggravated expression.


“Expected there to be?”

“I was hoping.” He sighed. “Well, I don't have a very good microscope. Relatively, I mean. Maybe I should send a sample over to Jon or something. He should be able to tell if anything is wrong with it.”

“Perhaps.” Rorschach turned away. “Assuming that whatever she did will have left traces.”

“Well beyond the obvious, it would have to, don't you think? Something like that can just get injected into my body, do the damage it did and then leave without a trace.” He ran a hand through his suddenly long hair. “Of course, I suppose I could always try tracking her down and asking her myself.”

“Possibly. Might answer. With proper motivation.” Rorschach walked towards the sewer entrance. “Will go then and start to look for leads.”

“Oh. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense.” Dan nodded. “I asked for you to help and... I'll see if I can modify my armor to fit this body and I'll join you tomorrow, okay?”



“Not going out like that.”

“Going out like what? I won't be wearing this.”

“Inherent problem remains.”

“Problem like what? Breasts? Because I'm pretty sure Silk Specter has those and she does her job just fine!”

“Not the same. Will contact you soon.”


She's a Lady 2b/? anonymous December 19 2009, 01:25:05 UTC
“Rorschach, don't you dare walk down that... Rorschach!” Daniel started to walk over but paused at the edge, still bare-footed since he's had to shuck his costume's boots. “I'm joining you tomorrow whether you like it or not! And if you won't let me then I'll just go out on my own!”

Rorschach didn't turn around, leaving Daniel fuming at the edge of the concrete. “Thinks he can tell me what to do,” he muttered, stomping up the stairs. “I'll show him.”

He went to the second floor and rummaged in the guest room's dresser until he found sweaters that had belonged to his father. Normally they were too large for him, but now they stretched, barely fitting over the breasts he'd suddenly developed. He looked in the mirror, pulling the sweaters down as if he could squash them and make them smaller somehow, to no avail.

“Looks like it's Danielle for now,” she sighed. “I'm going to kill Leslie. Slowly and painfully. But first I think I'm going to need some bras” She fondled the breasts one last time. “Sore too,” she groaned. “It figures.”


Re: She's a Lady 2b/? anonymous December 19 2009, 03:48:04 UTC
YAAAAY, MORE OF THIS! Oh, Dan, woman you may be, but your fascination with boobies is all man. (I wonder what his response will be when he finds out that women have different grades of orgasm??)

And poor Rorschach! He's not in for a very good time, since his partner is now a very lovely and endowed woman and he's not attracted to him, not thinking about motorboating at all, no sir, I don't envy the mental gymnastics his poor repressed mind will put him through. (But there will be eventual sexyteims, y/y?)

Moremoremore, can't wait for the next bit!

(Captcha sez: "Apollos have". "Apollos" is the weirdest euphemism for breasts I've ever heard, captcha. I don't think it'll catch on.)


Re: She's a Lady 2a/? anonymous December 19 2009, 06:25:26 UTC
I'm really enjoying the dialogue! Ah, ror knowing d/s and snipe at dan hehe hmmm, figure this schach looks to be a dom, which i always find sexy! Shaping up good anon, and interesting pronoun switch, especially with Dan doing the petulant female trope...


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