Watchmen Kink Meme 3. Weeeeeeee.

Sep 09, 2009 09:39

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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SOLVED! Mating Plummage 1/2 anonymous October 8 2009, 20:28:42 UTC
She can feel Wanda's glare and she feels stupid for even suggesting it. Damn Bartles and James. Her face is burning and she briefly considers the the quantum mechanics required to create a time machine and make this moment unhappen --- before giving it up for being too far out of the strict new budget Daddy's given her.

"Nothing... forget about it. Is it hot in here? I think it's hot in here..."

Wanda's glaring up at her underneath the brim of the battered fedora that she always wears. Sister Aloysius has long since given up on making her take it off outside of class.

Danni's always liked the hat, it caught her eye the first day of classes like sighting a barn owl on the Manhattan skyline. In the sea of girls wearing identical shirts, skirts, and blazers, it's something different.

Like the egret dawning it's mating plumage to attract a mate, Wanda's hat told her she'd found a friend long before they'd ever met.

Of course the only person who stuck out more than her, the only Jewish princess, was a girl from the local orphanage accepted on scholarship. Especially if she didn't have the dumb luck to be pretty. They were natural friends.

...and sometimes she wished more than friends.

"Is this a joke," Wanda snarls, a flush as bright as Danni's building on her face. "They're never going to like us, Danni, even if you do everything they say. I'm disappointed in you."

With a dramatic turn on her heel, Wanda bulldozes her way through the crowded party, leaving Danni stunned ---

--- But only for a moment. She chases after her, using her height and well... the fact that she weighs more than 100 pounds is finally working to her advantage.

She sees Wanda not that far up ahead, outlined in the light of the streetlamps, making her look for the briefest instant like one of those detectives in the old black and white films her mother likes.

She doesn't bother shout for Wanda to stop; she won't, she's stubborn like that; and she doesn't have a clue where Wanda thinks she's going since she's supposed to be sleeping over at her house tonight---

Her legs are burning as she runs after Wanda, staying on the grass to muffle the sound of her footsteps. Wanda's one of the fastest sprinters in their gym class and she'll never catch up if she spooks.

When they're in front of the park she makes her move. Stretching her arm out, the sound of her own breath loud in her ears as she grabs Wanda's shoulder and forces her to turn around. Wanda turns and struggles against her, and Danni's a little shocked to see tears glinting in the lamplight.

"Let me go!"

"Wanda, I shouldn't have--- I'm sorry---"

Except she's not really sorry, but she could have probably phrased it better than, "Wanna go back to my house and do some lesbian stuff?" So maybe she's a little bit sorry --- sorry that she wasn't so good at poetry or whatever, but that was Wanda's thing.

"Not funny! Who told you that--- that---" Wanda let's out a wounded sound and collapses onto the grass.

So maybe it wasn't just her terrible way with words, Danni realizes as she watches Wanda sob into her knees.

She sits in the grass beside her, not touching her immediately, Wanda hates that, but just being there for her. When Wanda starts going through her 'Hail Mary's, she knows something is definitely up.

"No one told me anything..." She says softly.

"Sick --- immoral---" Wanda grits out, and Danni's chilled by the amount of anger and loathing in it, scared for a second that she's completely destroyed their friendship --- until Wanda hiccups softly, and she starts to piece some things Wanda's said together into a different shape.

"It's not wrong, Wanda..."

"It's digusting, filthy--"

"Wanda, if God didn't want us to do it, why did he put the clitoris on the outside?"

There's a hitch in Wanda's breath as she puzzles that one out.

"Should be strong enough to resist temptation, only you would think that it was an excuse for immoral behavior, a byproduct of your liberal heathen upbringing--"

"Now you're just trying to make me angry, quoting Father Deakins like that," She teases, wrapping an arm around Wanda's shoulder and pulling her closer.


Re: SOLVED! Mating Plummage 2/3 anonymous October 8 2009, 20:30:13 UTC
Another moment of silence, before Wanda chuckles grimly.

"He was so mad at you when you told him that---"

She turns Wanda slowly to face her, cupping one damp cheek with her sweaty palm before kissing her gently. It doesn't taste like what she thinks her first kiss would've tasted like: strawberry wine cooler, tears and snot. Really, it's kind of disgusting, but it gets better as she presses onward, until Wanda freezes beneath her, looking wild eyed and scared.

"Wanda... I really really like you, a lot, and... this can't be wrong, okay? It really can't be," She smirks slightly, watching Wanda bite her lip in indecision, feeling how close she is to winning this arguement. "Besides, I'm already going to hell for being a 'Christ Killer' remember, I could use the company."

She kisses Wanda again, and tentatively she participates, leaning in closer. Not much longer before she's laying on top of a squirming and panting Wanda, and she hasn't even gotten underneath her shirt yet---

"Danni---" Wanda moans softly, looking up at her again through the brim of her fedora in a way that sends another hot rush straight to her cunt, "Not here--- people will see---"

She hates it, but Wanda's right... they need to be somewhere private --- she'll combust though if she has to make the six block walk back to her house.

"C'mon," She whispers, grabbing Wanda's wrist and dragging her into the bushes.

She finds the small clearing she uses for birdwatching with practiced ease, but hardly acknowledges the place before she pulls Wanda into another kiss.

Her fingers tremble as she unbutton's Wanda's blouse, hand slipping inside to tease the hard nipple poking through the coarse cotton fabric of the bra. Wanda whimpers and arches into her touch in a way that's almost pornographic, and she kisses her again.

She wants more.

She pulls Wanda down to straddle her lap on the ground, her free hand sliding up that pale freckled thigh. Underneath the skirt the heat grows more intense the deeper she goes until she finds more cotton fabric.

Wanda mewls as she runs her fingertips lightly over that mound, sliding her index finger beneath her to divide the lips, revelling as she feels the dampness seep through the thin fabric.

She slips her hand inside Wanda's panties, ignoring the way it makes her wrist ache, focussing instead on the sensation of wet curls and that hot slick area that she wants to devour as Wanda rocks urgently into her hand---

"Show me---" Wanda moans softly in her ear, distracting her.

"Show you what?"

"How to please you..."

"Have you ever... touched yourself," She asks, lust spiralling higher as Wanda shakes her head.

"Right.. well, take off your skirt... and panties."

They both wriggle out of their clothes, and Wanda is kneeling in front of her nervously. She thinks for a moment, about teaching Wanda how to... take care of herself, first, but that wasn't what Wanda asked, now was it?

She takes Wanda's wrist and brings that hand forward to touch her own dark muff first.

"Touch me..." She whispers, encouraging a finger forward between her labia.

Wanda's finger moves nervously between her thighs, and Danni moans a bit louder than normal to emphasize how good it feels, watching through hazy eyes as Wanda's eyes light up at the sound.

She grasps Wanda's thumb and presses it against her clitoris, a real groan ripped from her chest. Wanda's strokes become more confident, more focussed on the clitoris, and Danni's pretty sure her bones are going to melt, but not before---

She grabs Wanda's hand again, urging her index finger towards her aching hole. Wanda resists for a moment, but Danni urges her onward, thrusting onto that finger.

Once Wanda's got the hang of it, she reaches between Wanda's legs and begins to mirror her actions, enjoying the bitten off whimpers she recieves in return.


Re: SOLVED! Mating Plummage 3/3 anonymous October 8 2009, 20:31:13 UTC
Soon they're a pulsating mass of fingers, sticky kisses, heat and wet noises as one finger becomes two, then four, and pressing and pressing deeper, and harder, until Danni swears her body's going to burst she's so ripe and full.

Her eyes drift open for a moment as she gasps for air, feeling her orgasm become imminent fact, unstoppable as a runaway train, to see Wanda's fedora nearly knocked off her head in the midsts of their passions.

She reaches out with her free hand to crush the fedora down as she goes in for one last kiss before orgasm rips through her, lighting her soul on fire. A loud cry heard distantly in her ears, and the tight clenching around her fingers, tells her Wanda's decided join her on this trip.

Later, as they lay atop one another, shivering as their bodies cool, she'll take the hat off of Wanda's head and place it on her own... just for a little bit.


Re: SOLVED! Mating Plummage 3/3 anonymous October 8 2009, 21:06:01 UTC
HOT DAMN!! Thank you so much, you fiendishly clever anon, 2nd prompt poster here, and I must say you are FUCKING brilliant!! If this is wrong then I never want to be right ever again.


Re: SOLVED! Mating Plummage 3/3 anonymous October 18 2009, 20:05:08 UTC
Ngah that was hot. The Catholic all girl school I went to was surrounded by woods; it was amazing how much screwing was going on in the woods. Of course, I got stuck being the one sitting on a tree keeping my eyes open for teachers or parents, but good times I do have a slight voyeurism kink, so it worked out.


Re: SOLVED! Mating Plummage 3/3 anonymous October 30 2009, 18:25:59 UTC
That was really cute, anon! Catholic schoolgirl Wanda wearing a fedora is the best image ever.


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