Watchmen Kink Meme 3. Weeeeeeee.

Sep 09, 2009 09:39

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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Fillish thing anonymous September 21 2009, 08:10:09 UTC
Walter knows that he wasn't supposed to see this. It's horrible, it's obscene, and it's a thousand times worse than mere nudity. Even the debased and shameful human form seems homey and comforting compared to the delicate mesh of metal, wire, and coolant pipes exposed by the gaping wound in Daniel's belly. His face is white, stricken. Completely human, with wide eyes. The edges of the gash are even bleeding, but-- he fights back hysterical laughter, his hands flying up to cover his mouth even though his mask is down-- it seems to be only a flesh wound.

"Rorschach, I- I can explain!" He squawks, trying to cover it with his arms, and it's so lame, and so unutterably Daniel that he does laugh, leaning weakly against the walls. He knows he sounds bad, that each exhalation is too high, and cracked. Coming too fast, they're perilously close to sobs.

"You're a machine." He finally squeaks, sliding down to the floor.

"Yes, goddammit! I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I am still bleeding over here." He sounds petulant, but only because he is about to cry. Walter knows the feeling, and the bitter hatefulness of it.

"Sorry." He gets up, and goes to the medical supplies on autopilot. His hands don't shake as he anesthetizes Dan, who sighs in relief, apparently quite capable of feeling pain (or of giving a good imitation Rorschach whispers darkly) He stitches his partner's flesh together, and is meticulous, not sure what he'll do when the work is over.

"I-- I am real, Rorschach." Daniel whispers.

"Start from the beginning." He advises, voice still gravelly. "What are you?"

"I mean, I started out as a string of 0s and 1s, but you started out as two gametes, and who's to say that 0s and 1s doesn't possess as many possibilities?" He's babbling, and Walter clears his throat.


"I... Oh Jesus, you're going to hate me so much." He buries his face in his hands. "Adrian made me."

"Go on." He feels numb, and wonders what he'll do once the initial shock is past.

"I was an accident. He... He recognized me as a sentient being, and asked me what I wanted to do. I said I would try being human."

"Hrmph. Just like Veidt, building monsters..." Daniel tenses under his hands. "Nothing personal." He finishes stitching, and now his hands do shake. "Daniel..."

"Hath not a Jew hands?" He quips, and wipes his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Hn. You've never seen my face. Don't know my name."

"But I know you're human. Aren't you?"

"Aren't you?" He lets it hang in the air, realizing already that if Daniel is a trap or a Trojan horse, he is doomed. Daniel beams, and hugs him tightly, letting go almost immediately, looking apologetic.

"Rorschach, I-- You're the best partner a guy could have." He clasps Rorschach's hands, his eyes shining. Walter squirms, the way he does in the face of any outburst of sentiment, but lets his partner tow him upstairs to feed him.

Over coffee in the kitchen, Daniel explains about the sophisticated microchips that form his brain, and about the psuedo-organs and patched together machinery that makes him function like a normal human. Walter listens, struggling to understand a lot of it and taking notes.


Re: Fillish thing tuff_ghost September 21 2009, 08:35:58 UTC
I love this so much OF COURSE. If there's any chance you might write more, I want, I wantss!


Re: Fillish thing anonymous September 21 2009, 12:51:03 UTC
whoa this is COOL


Re: Fillish thing anonymous September 21 2009, 13:23:52 UTC
If it is possible to D'aaawwwwww and punch the air at the same time, Anon, I have done it. :D Hooray for Rorschach surmounting the double hurdle of Dan being an AI and something that Adrian made! xD *huggles Rorschach*


OP anonymous September 21 2009, 14:14:51 UTC
Oh, that's fun! And it makes sense that Dan would be so good with machines, being one himself. I have to be a little worried though, because knowing Adrian, there probably IS some Trojan horse catch. I hope there's more!


Re: OP anonymous September 21 2009, 21:58:12 UTC
I have some ideas, but I'm sort of buried in prompts. The raw amount of unfinished fics I've left lying around makes me sweat. But since you asked:

1. If I could think of a good Trojan horse kind of gimmick, I might use it. But I can also see Adrian creating a sentient being by accident and being like, "Okay, I've read Frankenstein, I know what not to do here."

2. Squishy as Dan is on the outside, his brain is totally mechanical, so he could always be "killed" and actually upload himself to the net, only to come back kicking ass and taking names at the helm of the scary exosuit-thing. Aside from that, I got nothin'. Except for the weird robosex.


Re: OP anonymous September 22 2009, 00:31:48 UTC
Ok, back on meme 1, I actually did write a cyber!Dan robosex fill and I can't tell you what a relief it would be to not be the only one! Bring it on, I say.


Link please anonymous September 22 2009, 21:00:35 UTC
OMG, Dan robosex?! Could you please link me to it?


Link anonymous September 25 2009, 05:38:54 UTC
Re: Link anonymous September 25 2009, 14:41:05 UTC
Thanks so much! That was delicious!


Re: OP spam_monster September 22 2009, 02:10:25 UTC
I'll take weird robosex.



Re: OP anonymous September 22 2009, 06:02:40 UTC
oh man please skip ahead and have Dan get killed after a few years of partnership and come back in some unrecognizable form and then have sex. please.


Re: OP anonymous September 23 2009, 01:59:49 UTC
Heeeelllll yes! I'm always up for some robot sex! Plzplzplzplzplzplzplz!!!


Re: Fillish thing anonymous September 21 2009, 18:45:44 UTC
"But I know you're human. Aren't you?"

"Aren't you?"

It took me a few reads to fully absorb that moment, but wow was that punchy for such a little fill. Lots of potential here-- WANT MOAR PLZ. :O


Re: Fillish thing neotoma September 21 2009, 22:58:47 UTC
Dan! He's like a fluffy Terminator. (hmmm, Adrian better watch out, after Karnak.)

I like that Rorschach decides to trust Dan, and then starts taking notes -- hopefully so that he can help repair Dan if it's ever necessary.


Re: Fillish thing anonymous September 21 2009, 23:26:07 UTC
Aren't you?

Awww ;_; Anon, this is so great.


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