I'm so tired of Christmas hype. This morning's train conversation with Saz made me even sadder when she pointed out how a simple celebration has turned into a month long festival of consumerism, and at the end, everything is thrown away and forgotten. Every year, I realise more and more how much meaning has been milked out of Christmas. Hmmm.
Last night was dinner with Sarah, Brad, Kylie, Josh, Nicole and Phil. We pretended it was Nicole's birthday so we could embarass her and get her a free brownie. There were really loud drunk people at a table near us, but we may have created enough noise to rival them with nowhere near that much alcohol. Brad and Phil left and the rest of us went back to Josh's. Josh has cool spungy grass that I slept on while the others went swimming. And we watched the Lion King. I was the only person who sang all the songs :( even though Kylie claimed it was her favourite disney movie.
I went through Pitt st this afternoon getting remaining Christmas presents. There were a million people and at least 6 different busking groups along a 50m stretch of pavement. They were all playing music too, which led to interesting sounds.
So pumped about Sonfest.
I am going to live in front of the main stage from 10:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday. EDIT
Has anyone seen my yr 12 jersey? As in, seen me wearing it recently? Cause I can't find it, nor can I remember when I wore it last. And I am sad, and will cry if I can't find it :(