(no subject)

Aug 12, 2004 09:18

A Very exciting morning, and it's only 9:20.

John did his "Too many flutes" thing and told us to reorganise so there were only two of us playing the Mozart and the Jupiter. Sarah and I jumped in really quickly and got the Mozart. I sort of feel bad for stealing it off the others, but they got to play the other Mozart last year. And Dvorak. So, it all balances out. So I get to play with Sarah and we get to play lovely music. Hooray!

I really realy want to go somewhere and listen to lous music. Damn Library.
I can't find my L'Arc~en~ciel CD. *bursts into tears*
I can't wait til August 21.
I can't wait til September 30.

I want to dance and sing forever, because I am happy.

imp, music

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