Thank heavens for free McDonals WiFi.
Well, Melbourne is lovely and incredibly trendy. Everyone always said to me
"Melbourne is the best for shopping"
"Everyone in Melbourne dresses well"
"Melbourne is such a well planned city"
"Melbourne is so trendy"
I can now objectively say that yes, all these things are true. Here are some observations from the last twenty four and a bit hours:
- Melbourne's public transport system makes me drool when I compare it to Sydney's. Oh my goodness, it's incredible, reliable, affordable, easy to understand, integrated, comprehensive... I want it!
- I understand the shopping thing now. In Sydney, if you are a normal person and you want to buy clothes that aren't from a chain store or designed for someone with a distinctly asian aesthetic, you need to go out of the CBD to find some affordable boutique-y stores. Boutiques in Sydney CBD are really only affordable if you are a highly paid executive or the trophy wife of a millionaire. In Melbourne all the affordable boutique-y stores that I would normally go to Newtown to find are in the CBD. Maybe Melbourne people dress so well because interesting and beautiful clothes are more accessible and affordable here?
- Even the food is boutique! Just like there is a lack of clothing chain stores, there also appears to be a lack of fast food chains. I have only found one McDonalds in the CBD so far (the one I am in). In Sydney I would have walked past at least 6 or 7 in an equivalent area. The other fast food outlets seem to be independently run and marketed to attract trendy people. Favourite outlet name so far: "Lord of the Fries".
- Even McDonalds itself is trendy! Right now, instead of playing old music video clips or a sensationalist cable news channel, the big TV in here is playing old Astro Boy cartoons. It's like McDonalds for anime hipsters.
Alright... there will be more when I get back home, with less writing and more pictures!