These reflective uni posts are getting so much more frequent this week, and so much more self indulgent.
I've had my last class now. It was great. It was in the main quad, the beautiful iconic sandstone building, and it was with Vras. It was pretty much the best way to finish up.
There is one more public meeting to go. On Monday I get to hand over public meetings to someone else, although I still don't know how that will be! Monday is the last General Council meeting I get to go to. The IT team has promised a chocolate bar to the person who updates their section of the website best, so I have been working to win that chocolate! I'm very proud of myself. I made a sweet banner.
Please, check it out and admire my elite html skilz. Ok. Maybe not that elite... Or you can just check it out to see what I have been doing with myself these last two years.
Don't forget to check out the links on the side bar - I am especially proud of the picture gallery. This entry is thinly veiled procrastination from my third last essay - I've got 1600 out of 2500 words!