When I was a lot younger, my brother and I were playing catch with an egg when I missed it and it broke all over my arm. A few minutes after I had cleaned it off, I noticed that the area that had come in contact with the raw egg was completely covered in large welts. Since then, I have steered clear of raw eggs for fear of a similar allergic
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As for food allergies, I'm allergic to uncooked soybeans, soymilk and apples. I first noticed this when I drank some soy milk, and my throat got all scratchy. I didn't even think it was from the soymilk, but rather just some random event. But then it happened again and again. This sucks, cause I really like soymilk. I didn't really mind the scratching, so I thought I would just live with it, but my doctor informed me that allergic reactions can vary time to time. Like most of the time I'll just get a sratchy thorat, or... my throat could swell up and I wouldn't be able to breath. So I avoid the soymilk from now on. Tofu and soyburgers are fine tho, which is good. So I would say maybe go to an allergist if you don't know what you are allergic to. They can do a test where they run the full apectrum of allergens and then tell you what to aviod. That's strange that physical acitivity seemed to cause your allergic reaction those times, but it could be a combonation of a food and physical activity. At the very least you should carry an epi-pen with you, since its a simple way to prevent something bad from happening.
Haha! That is exactly what I would have said. Sorry to hear about that Rich.
Yeah I never really understood why I always got my full blown allergy response only during cross country practice/races. That doesn't really make any sense. Anyway, I thought about going to an allergist to find out what foods I am allergic to, but I decided to just stop eating nuts for the time being and see what happens.
You are allergic to apples? I have never heard that one before.
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