Dec 07, 2005 07:06
Oh Goddess it's cold and predicted to be ten degrees colder by tomorrow. Certainly cold enough to "freeze the balls off a brass monkey". I really must go out and find a coat suitable for this weather. You'd think after working winterin in NYC for the last 15 years i'd have done that by now, but the stubborn brit in me has stuck to the barbour through thick and thin.
Next week I'm in Minneapolis again and, oh my, I've been told its even colder there. I've comissioned a painting for my mother for christmas of a nude ;), 6' x 4' its huge, I wish I'd have known at the time that that is just above the size possible to ship easily by UPS, FedEx or DHL now i'm considered freight and that to the UK is like $400!!!! Well $250 to NY then I can hire a van and take to the airport myself where lovely virgin airlines will ship for free ;) oh do I love Mr Branson. Well I suppose with over 1000000 air miles I should get something for my troubles. Though it costs to ship the painting and its scale make it all worthwhile.
Next year I'm attending the New York Academy of Arts - this was my promise to myself to study figurative painting and well we will see.