I have a question to ask you guys because it's been talked about quite often recently here in Spain:
Do you think Aragones should resign from his position?
It's been talked about how there are many stars on the team who in their own teams do so well, but playing for the national team may have difficulties. I've never felt Aragones has been an eligible coach for many reasons, and his words often can't be trusted. For example, he often states that the team is prepared for big matches, that he has a strategy or something to that extent, and when the team does not succeed he says "It was not a good day" or "The team hopes to do better next time". Also he does not like to stray very much from his tried format. Many players do not even get the chance to play. For example, the one player he has promoted this summer, Borja Oubiña, has not played despite being told by Aragones that he would make his debut in Iceland, and then Liechtenstein. Then there are of course the comments about Thierry Henry, which is a ridiculous way to try and make his players "do better". What other coaches employ that sort of strategy? In my opinion, Aragones should step down and allow someone else to take his place.