Jan 26, 2009 21:37
i downloaded this song by animal collective, "playpen," recently; it's a live track that i'd never heard [of] before.
and it is one of the most beautiful songs ever. it's so delicate and creepy and lonely. i could cry listening to it if i thought about it too much (it's similar to their songs "safer" and "cuckoo cuckoo" in that and some other respects). it would be the perfect song to listen to on repeat whilst reading "house of leaves," i think, but that might fuck you up really badly.
i have so much respect for animal collective as music makers - i hesitate to say musicians, since it's not really their playing ability, but rather their ability to capture moods and feeling so perfectly in their soundscapes that is so amazing to me. their music is so raw and bursting with emotion, and while it's often extremely happy/upbeat/positive, they also make music that is extremely sad/creepy/eerie/messed up and it's all just so fucking intense, i can't get over it. even some of the songs that sound happy, i read the lyrics and i'm like "wow... that's kinda fucked up." i just love them even more for this dark side. i have a lot of respect for things that unnerve me.