Oct 07, 2005 03:36
science was a nightmare. i came in early to put my books in the class and i stopped dead and just stared............. i wanted to cry. mr.popowich my science teacher last year was there. he hateddddddd me! he looks like a pirate too. good thing tho, he didn't make any nasty comments to me and i actually liked doing the science hw, it was...fun *gasps*. as usual, got to my locker, fran was already there. omg you shud see my locker now, all her water bottles and papers....ewww. went to religion. haha FUNNEST time ever. we had a little group assignment and i was with trevor,stefan,and jordan. lmao they quite obviosly did not care that i was the only girl there as they were talking about porno and boob and all this stuff. wow you should've heard some of the stuff they said...even churchboy trevor really surprised me. sooo finally they started talking bout something i could relate too, yes they were talking bout you-know-who and her little companion. haha twas very,very interesting. they make me laugh. then we had mass, dammmit i couldnt sit w/ tiombay and erin, but i sat w/ meghan,meghan,sarah,mollie, and their friends. omg sarah started moving the bleacher so it looked like i was jumping up and down and dancing or something. it was funny. she was laughing soo hard. math we had a sub, mrs. hanna, who also happens to work at chryslers with my dad too. boring stufff. comm tech was interesting as usual. just our luck: alex,murdock,pat and stefan will be working in our little room with us. haha i dont think i can handle all the guys...yikes. alex ALWAYS talks about banging and all that gross stuff guys talk about, and its soo annoying. uughh and he ALWAYS hits me. whether its his hand,paper, w/e all the time.....im gonna go nuts. at least murdock has stopped opening and closing the door to annoy us. wait, they HAVENT matured, they were playing some killing game on the comp. they were so amused they were making me amused. then i got my usual end of day notes from kayla and kailyn. love reading them. and thats it...might go to nonna's l8er, yay yeah!!!!!!!