so much hostility for such a nice day :(

May 02, 2006 00:35

Sunday afternoon at Parc Lafontaine, I was feeding some bread to the ducks when this dude pulled up on his bike and completely LOST it on me-- he thought I was throwing rocks at them. "What did they do to you! How would you like it if someone threw rocks at you!" he scolded me in angry, angry french, as if I were his own disobedient six-year-old. At first, I thought he was accusing me of throwing rocks at HIM. Finally, when we tried to tell him "non, c'est du pain!" He sped off, swearing in french and following with "drink your wine" and a few more lovely insults hurled over his shoulder.

... what?

I really don't know what else to say.
I just hope this negativity isn't attaching itself to me, because I was still clouded by it as I tried to sleep last night. I began to believe that I had in fact done something wrong. Accusations can be powerful... we need to be careful pointing fingers. Blame can turn into guilt. Needless, stressful, life-draining guilt.

i am
a puddleapuddleapuddle a puddleabubbleabrothel a sisterasomethingorsomebodysomeday?
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