I don't feel like sleeping...

Dec 21, 2009 01:13

I went shopping at Victoria's Secret today because I had one of those magical gift card coupons that could be worth $10-$500 when you bring it up to the register. I was expecting it to be worth $10 like usual, but it turned out to be $50! Yay! So I got a zipper hoodie and a pair of yoga pants. I also have a $10 coupon to use tomorrow on underwear. I can never have enough underwear. While at the mall, I also got my dad's Christmas presents, and part of my bro's, and a card to send to my grandparents in Florida with the painting I painted for them. That seems repetitive to say the painting I painted, but to say the painting I made didn't seem right.

I'm thinking I might like to grow my hair out again. But I don't know, I like my short hair. I think my face looks better with short hair. I washed my hair with Pantene today though, and the smell made me miss my long hair (it's what I used when I had long hair... and since I was old enough to not use baby shampoo any more)

I'm also thinking about putting some red in my hair. I sprayed it red for a party on Friday and I actually liked it. Haha... but if I do dye it, it won't be all red, and it will probably be over the summer. Just to dye it before I am teaching and can't.

I'm buying a new car, probably before I go back to GR for next semester. I've been looking at Chevy Aveos. So far they are number one on my list. But I haven't made a final choice yet.

I should try to sleep now. I have another busy day of shopping, cleaning, and maybe even working out if I have time, tomorrow.
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