(no subject)

Sep 20, 2005 16:56

  1. ash:
    I don’t listen to Ash much at all anymore. But I’ve been to more Ash gigs than any other band (maybe not including 52tng) Without Ash, I don’t think any of ‘the manc crew’ would know Jed or Audiojunkies or anything. And that would change stuff a lot. <3
  2. bright eyes:
    Conor Oberst. He’s a bit of a prick. But he’s a talented mofo, has written some great tunes. I think A perfect sonnet is my fave
  3. doves:
    I fucking love Doves, especially when they play ‘spaceface’ live :D
  4. ferrets:
    They’re cute
  5. grandaddy:
    Great music. Great beards.
  6. monacled mongolian mind badgers:
    If you connect your mind to a psychic badger wearing a monacle, you will have the best trip of your life
  7. primal scream:
    Unlike all of these cunts coming through the ranks nowadays, Primal Scream are real ROCK AND ROLL and I love them.
  8. sam raimi:
    Director of the Evil Dead trilogy, Evil Dead 2 being one of the greatest movies ever, quite possibly my favourite. Has recently directed the 2 Spiderman films of the 00s. I love Sam Raimi.
  9. supergrass:
    Always make great tunes. I should Coco is awesome.
  10. the coral:
    Scousers that make great catchy sing-along tunes

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