Dec 07, 2007 20:25

[Ahaha, subject line is sort of an inside joke w/my sisters... said in a Hulk-type tone, inserting anyone's name at all, it's possibly the most entertaining thing short of our screaming names in weird exaggerated syllables. Yes we're weird. Shush. ERIN SMASH!]


I wasn't here on Wednesday (which I totally forgot to mention in my crazily airheaded way), and everything is WRONG WITH THE EQUIPMENT. Like, majorly. Let's make a list, shall we?

  • Mics were both ON, batteries DEAD.
  • They were SITTING IN THE A/V BOOTH, on the computer desk. Not on their STANDS where they belong.
  • Remote for the DVD player was on the FLOOR. "????" says Erin, waving her arms around in vague and uncomprihending gestures... No, but seriously. There are no words for that level of confusion. Just symbols. And they look like this --> ???
  • Remote for the screens was on the shelf below the lights-counter-thing. See above for my confusion. It doesn't GO there. >: [
  • Printer's paper was all over the desk... For whatever reason, it wasn't even stacked neatly, but SCATTERED all over the desk like someone dropped and flung it all over the place. Blank paper. Just... whyyy?!
  • Gain on the mics was all funkytastic and made things complicated and annoying... one was WAY UP, and the other one was WAY DOWN, and I think we might have booth!gremlins or something because ZOMG.
  • Mains were down like woah. All sound was pretty much coming through the monitors instead! ??? again. Really.
  • Subs were up WAY too HIGH. Aargh.
  • Power cord for the lightsboard? MIA. Entirely. Um, whattttt!? Gremlins looks to be the only logical answer. Or whatever eat/steal/screw with a/v equipment. I had to go steal-borrow a cord I found onstage that wasn't the right one but which works, I just have to remember to put it back where I found it.
  • Lights board was left ON, levers and things all crazy all over the place like they'd just unplugged it for whatever reason and darted off to wherever they were going...

Asklkjnahtjanfjffsffaaaaaargh!  Seriously, what happens while I'm not here?! It makes me feel special knowing when I work nothing like that goes on, but it is way too AGGRIVATING to take much glee from it. Because dude, I can't be the only person who knows what's what back here, can I?! *gestures wildly to try to convey confusion-annoyance-rawr*

But in good news, Jack was here and ran the powerpoints, I fixed all of the above issues (minus the MIA cord, but that's at least temporarily fixed and I will get to the bottom of that on Sunday), and am working on setting up the transition animations on the powerpoints because the backgrounds are different for every song and that's just not cool if it's just BAM a new background, so I'm making them fade nicely. Just have to remember to warn Jack about that, 'cause there's a delay, so next week he'll know in advance. Yay.

In other news, ZOMGIHATECOUGHING. Like mad. It's horrible. And going to probably be around for like three months because that's just my sort of luck. Rawr. Forgot my meds at home so my next dose will have to be nighttime stuff and will be at around 10:30, 11pm, whenever I get home. I growl in my own general direction for the forgetting. >:(

I've made so little sense in my ongoing rambles tonight, it's hardly funny, except that at the same time it's awesomely amusing. And stuff. Because I don't make sense here under normal circumstances, let alone while half-zombie and giggly and babbling on about twist-ties and the joys of paperclips! (And, yes, those were subjects of conversation I was having with Jack. Though "conversation" is used lightly, as it was more me going on and on and him looking mildy amused with the smile-and-nod thing going on.) Oh and I had coffee. That helps with the babbling. Yay!

a/v, erin-smash!, random, ???, sound, rawr, blowing-up-the-world, zombie, ill, list, rambling

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