Sep 09, 2007 02:57
I've spent all day-and-night reading things online. Literally. Started on some random page about ghosts, google'd some place that's supposed to be haunted ("Graveyard X", which is a mildly strange name that made me giggle, and also "Resurrection Cemetery" which is quite possibly THE WORST name for a cemetery in the history of dead people being buried in a localized location, eep!), and from there ended up fifty other places (I know there were zombies involved somewhere, and starfish, though I'm not sure why, and tide pools from there 'cause they're cool, and many other things I don't remember now), finally ending up reading about the theremin for three hours and now want one very much. I think I could actually play it, even though I failed miiiiserably at guitar....
In other news, I'm feeling jumpy and paranoid. As in ZOMGIthinkthingsarewatchingme, and eekdidthatpaperjustmoveacrossthefloor? Idon'trememberputtingitthere! ....Yay. Probably reading about ghosts and haunted-ness earlier did it. Plus without my glasses on? Things look straaange and blurry and misshapen and startle me, and I'm too sleepy for my glasses right now, so... yes. Jumpy.
Also my head hurts. In such a way that tilting it (like, laying it down in the air...) makes the part on the bottom hurt worse like the pain is settling. It's weird and annoying, and I bet sleeping like that's gonna suck. Mmph.
Sammon (Shan) has come visit, so I stop writing now.