Birthday post!!

Jul 16, 2007 02:23

Well sort of. It's about the day, even if it's after 2am and all and technically no longer the birthday. Hehee.

First thing I did as an 18-year-old? Watch Dr Who - on the actual TV! O.O! Which was really cool, much better that way. And my sister enjoyed it also, so that was awesome. And then we watched some horror-parody movie who's title I don't remember (wasn't the "Scary Movie" ones, but something along the same lines, really), and laughed a lot... until like five in the morning, and then I went to bed.

Slept until like 2pm, and had to be at youth group at 3:30 / 4, so that was an interesting rushing-around thing. Was fun, there - I got to run sound, the violin was <3<3<3 and amazing and I so want to adopt violin-playing!Adam into the crazy thing which I call my artificial!family, and I was highly amused by everyone a lot, as per usual. The whole band is just awesome and pretty much win at life.

Went to Wal-Mart after, and my momma bought me chocolate-covered espresso beans - !!!! - and some clothes and things for camp (because I am for-sure going, now, sigh, though Ms. Debbie made me promise "no eek-ing", so ..we'll see how long I last on that), and we generally spent like three hours there wandering around, and I was hyper and using some basting-brushes-things as drumsticks on the shelves (keeping in time with the background music playing in the store, supporting my claim that I should so learn to play drums) and bouncing around best I'm able and generally reassured that I am still only ten or whatever, and not actually going to die or something (even though - other people older than 18 don't seem old or anything (heck, my mom's more immature than I am sometimes :P) it's just old for me. Or, it was. Not so much now. I'll panic again when it's 21 approaching, I suppose.)...

Also discovered a few new things today. Well, some new, some just re-learning. Like the fact that air? It's sorta important. Coughing and forgetting to breathe? Not so good. Makes a person really dizzy, really fast. Hehee. Also, there's this soda - Jones' brand, or something? - which is flippin' amazing. I bought some which is strawberry-lime, and it's ...awesome. And actually caffeinated, which is odd for strawberry or general fruit things, I thought? I was surprised, anyhow. But yes. Very good.

So I didn't get anything written today, um, but that's okay 'cause I wasn't home and it's my Birthday and I can get away with that? Hehe... *sheepish grin*

So, now I'm going to go to bed early, I think, 'cause the coughing's settling down (got coughdrops, 'cause I ran out the other day, and so it's much easier to not-die now) and I'm slightly convinced the screen's flickering even though I'm also pretty sure it's not. Heh.

a/v, caffeine, random, birthday, band, ill, babble, hyper

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