List of Blah-ness

Jun 25, 2007 19:14

So.... I'm a bit bothered by the fact that I'll be 18 in a few weeks (not even a whole month anymore, blaaah), and I've already been told that I've probably got to move out as soon as humanly possible once I am 18. Which, in itself, is okay - but I have no money, no job, and no idea how I'm going to make that work. So... ergh.

So I'm making a list of things to do - both today and throughout the next week or two - so I don't freak out and try doing everything at once and end up doing nothing at all. Here's hoping that works... >.<;;

Things to do:

Today: ASAP
  • Finish Rogue-post
  • Finish other posts
  • Fill out job application (again; I did that, but I lost the filled-out one...)
  • Clean up desk (and entire room)
  • Find out where notebook went
  • Make / eat dinner sometime before ten
  • Unpack PA trip stuff
  • Clear off bed sometime before bedtime (whenever that is)
  • Make more coffee
  • Try not to go insane
  • Find out if electric/water/internet/phone/whatever is included in the 30% of income price for apartments nearby
  • Find out what all that costs, if above isn't true
  • Try not to freak out over turning 18 and-or moving out planning
  • Try not to make others notice I'm preoccupied by the above (because it doesn't do for me to seem at all concerned by "serious life things", because that's "not very Erin-like", apparently)
  • Find out who it was that decided what was and wasn't "Erin-like", and ask them since when they get to choose how I'm meant to behave/think/feel
  • Weed through junk, and try getting rid of as much as possible
  • Find out about getting drivers' liscence, and what I'm to do about car-transportation-etc.
  • Try hard not to kill one or both of my sisters
  • Dye my hair red again?

Umm... Yeah. Interesting week ahead of me. Yay panic! >.<;
At least I have my coffee to comfort me, though.

On top of that, the computer is back to locking up every five-ten minutes. Urgh.

coffee, 18, home, random

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