(no subject)

Mar 18, 2011 15:40

I know I posted like .5 seconds ago, but

So I've been thinking for a while about making a new LJ account that's not a personal journal, and is more about squeeing / geekery / music / shows / etc. Because I feel a little weird posting my normal everyday life things to the same journal as I flail/squee about fannish things or RP - some of you might be here for the me-stuff, and some might be here for the fannish, and if you're here for both that's fine, but ... I don't know. It's a thing, and it bothers me.

So, at some point this week I'm going to make this one officially friends-only, for use with more of the usual journal things. I may still do memes or stuff like that sometimes, and I probably won't ever be able to really keep my fannish flail completely out of my posts, but it'll be more focused - and I'll be using an alternate journal for everything else.

You're welcome to friend both, or just one or the other, whichever you prefer. I just feel more comfortable doing things this way, especially now that I'm starting to have an online presence outside of fannish/rp circles.


i am the prophet chuck!, hermity goodness!, internet!, rambling

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