(no subject)

Nov 04, 2010 16:54

So, family-related drama has officially... taken over the world?
  • Sister 1's boyfriend totaled her car (flipped it, even!). Both of the people in the car (Z and B, who is Sister 2's ex and Z's best friend) were totally fine.
  • Z's parents went even more psychotic than usual. Which makes sense, in theory, because Z was being reckless, not respecting his girlfriend's property, etc. Valid. But they take things too far, all the time.
  • Decided to kick him out with no warning by stranding him out in town. Sister 1 happened to be there, as they had class together, so he wasn't literally stranded, but they didn't know what was going on at the time.
    • Z's father (a serious douchenozzle) went around to all Z's local friends, saying PLEASE, DON'T LET HIM STAY WITH YOU, HE NEEDS TO LEARN A LESSON.
      • He spent more than an hour telling my mom all about this and basically "spilling his heart" to her, featuring a lot of yelling and armwaving, which had me wanting to beat him up just from that.
    • Sister 1 texts and asks what's going on, we tell her. She and Z call his family, get instructions to put Z's cell in the mailbox and then from there say Z is on his own until next Friday. Obviously, we were not going to just let him sleep in the woods, so we were going to let him stay with us for the night, because he had to be somewhere early in the morning...
    • Z's father appears by magic at our house as soon as Sister 1 and Z (and B) arrive at our house. Sister 2 and her friend J were already here, with me and my mom.
    • Mom goes out to talk to Z's dad, because, hi, he's on our property being a creeper. He basically gets all offended that she's going against his request not to let Z stay with us, and starts making demands that we get Sister 1's destroyed car out of his yard (after HE HAD IT TOWED THERE, when he could have just had it brought here to start with; part of his manipulation, probably, because he likes to have things to hold over peoples' heads).
    • Mom calls him an ass and basically says SCREW YOU and heads inside with Sister 1
    • Sister 2, B, Z, me, and J are outside with Z's dad. He starts telling his son to get in the car, and we're all telling him not to, because Z's dad has a history of being an abusive jerkface, and as pissed as he was we were sure he was going to like beat him up really bad.
    • I go tell mom and Sister 1, they come back out - mom on the phone with the cops.
    • Z eventually gets in the car after being practically threatened and having his mother and grandmother used against him as bargaining chips ("they want to talk to you, you can't just walk away from them like this").
    • J, B, and Sister 2 immediately jump in J's car and follow them.
    • Mom and Sister 1 get the cops heading over to their house. We all sit around anxiously for a while until we get a call from the cops saying Sister 1 and mom need to be there, since they made the call.
    • I get left at home with no updates for a while. Sister 1 comes back, on foot, pissed off because Z's mother came out and started being a manipulative bitch bringing up issues from years back that have nothing to do with this.
    • ...which is pretty much how the rest of the night went, apparently. Everyone was still gone at like 12:30 am, by which point Sister 1 and I were joined by D, one of Z's best friends, for a vigil, of sorts.
    • Apparently the cops were... not really very sympathetic. I'm told he basically said that if Z's dad wanted to beat his son, he was allowed as long as there was no bruising / marks / something like that, and as long as Z lived there, despite being 18, he could still inquire about his whereabouts by coming over here (unless we have him criminally trespassed), calling any of us, and generally being a douche. I'm sure if the cop weren't biased by being an acquaintance of Z's dad, this would not have been the answer he got.
    • End result was that despite having the right to leave, and the cop there to ensure he was able to, Z decided to stay the night for some unfathomable reason, meaning the whole thing was pointless. All we managed to do was make him hate our family about ten times more, embarrass him by having the police at his place, and stress ourselves out.
  • This morning, Z headed to his work-training weekend. Sister 1 went looking for apartments, and we've arranged to get the car towed off their property. The drama continues, however, because as soon as Sister 1 called them to let them know we would be handling the tow truck, she got bitched out for about a half hour by Z's mom.
  • EDIT, COUPLE HOURS LATER: So apparently despite us having arranged for our own towing to happen (priced at $45), these douchebags couldn't wait, got the most expensive towing service to do it ($400-ish) and we're legally obligated to pay the bill on that. And Mr Douche was literally screaming in my sister's face when they got over there, and the tow guy that we hired told him to back the hell down, and Z's dad got all up in HIS face and started yelling, and I am told the towing guy wanted to beat him DOWN but he only refrained because he would have probably ended up arrested...
  • So now the car's corpse is in storage somewhere IN ANOTHER TOWN so we have the $400ish bill for towing and a bill for storage for the night since it's after 5pm, so nothing can be done about it tonight... but the towing guy we tried to hire said he'll take the car off our hands, since it's basically only scrap, and pay us $200 for it to help wit the bill. He's cool, I like him and I haven't even met him, geez.
  • And now everyone is panicked because everyone is so pissy and my mom wants us to not be at home for a while tonight because she thinks Z's father is going to come over here and, I don't know, SHOOT US WITH HIS ILLEGAL AUTOMATIC WEAPONS OR SOMETHING and it'd be better if no one was home right now. So we might go see a movie, or something.

...I probably should not have been watching the Boondock Saints movies again this week.

Oh yeah, and we have home internet now! Hurrah! \o/

family drama!, kicking ass and taking names?, ew, omg!

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