(no subject)

Jun 28, 2010 21:05

I find it ironic that my mother always picks the times when I'm in full-on  Sammuse-mode to start going on at me about... I don't know, whatever the hell bothers her. Usually my writing/RPing and the fact that I live in her house even though she doesn't really like me.

Anyone who knows Sam Winchester knows he has some parental issues... which means I just get defiant / snarky / scowly and it eventually escalates into huge arguments.

Irony of ironies, though? Today this happened while I was channeling Sam and while writing with someone playing John. In a conversation where Sam was getting a little bit pissy. So, basically, it's coming from all sides right now, and there's no hope for anyone who expects me to be civil and social. At all. Ever.

In other news, my ovaries want to kill me again, ugh.

irony, family drama!, argh, my ovaries hate me, my sam!muse is oddly bitchy, rp

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