(no subject)

Jun 21, 2010 23:17

So I keep hearing weird noises in the garage area, and the dog keeps freakingthehellout and barking in that area, and I'm like, I'm wondering if I should be grabbing the biggest knife in the kitchen right now, or if I should just go to the bedroom and ignore it, because there's no valid way there could be anyone in there, and it's probably nothing, or maybe an animal at the worst....

kdfldgfdhadf. It's making me jumpy, though. I don't want to look out the windows, I have a feeling someone's going to be standing there staring at me when I look over. And there's a three-panel sliding glass door right next to me aidfhldfgndflnhdtrlhafhadfnh.

house-sitting adventures, paranoid, creepy

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