(no subject)

Jun 09, 2010 12:51

I don't understand people. Mostly in this moment it's the horrible RPer community of people I don't understand.

First of all, why not... you know... improve? I get that not everyone is going to be an awesome writer. I get that no one starts out that way. I get that you think it's not that important, I get that you're not putting much effort into it (even though you scream at other people about effort when they don't take the time to respond to your crap - or at least you used to, I, thankfully, do not speak to you anymore sir), and that it's meant to be "fun", but I honestly fail to see how pointless scenes featuring 98% actual physical fighting with no character development at all (seriously, your character is fully capable of just sitting down and having a conversation with someone, sometime, you know) can be worth the time it takes you to write them (which is about five minutes for a page-long post probably, given the amount of errors).  Or worth the time for anyone to respond who is anywhere above that level of skill - which is probably why the entire board looks like someone threw third graders at it (although when I was in third grade I was still writing better than that). I don't see how your muses don't beat you to death, but I guess maybe you don't have any - which is how you can play like 436444 characters that are all as bland as the last one.

Secondly, how does a board this crappy last six whole years? I know there are some long-lived ones out there that are higher quality, and that is fantastic. I wish 100m had lasted that long. And I see (upon searching out of curiousity) that one of my old boards with semi-decent RPers is still kicking (although it looks like it's 90% OOC chatter amongst the Oldies, and some NPC posts, but the point is it's still alive) and has a couple of the original members on board... that one's older than six years, for sure.

But the board that just popped up in my email account is one I quit almost as soon as I joined - because there was a huge personality conflict between myself and the admin (because he was a creeper, and kept screaming at me when I said I really wasn't feeling that scene / didn't think there was a valid reason for my character to be involved in that / etc) people accusing me of plagiarism (by plagiarizing my stuff, backdating it on blogs somewhere so it looked like it had been there for ages, and pointing it out to the admin and then privatizing it), and general downhill-really-fast post quality. I don't even know why my email is on the mailing list anymore. But, seriously, six years?

That means I've been RPing for... almost eight years, now.

In completely unrelated news there is this bird outside that is running around like a freak and refuses to fly. It's kind of adorable.

muse, rp, random

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