(no subject)

Apr 02, 2010 17:14

Erin is feeling spammy today apparently.

  • M'kay, so it was probably a bad idea to rewatch the end scene from 5.16 right now. I'm fully in Sammode, and he is in serious distress now. Awesome.
  • I am still PEEVED over the internet lockup thing. I automatically went to download fonts - and, oh, right, can't. Great. And they don't seem to want to install anyway, when I get them on the laptop / move them to the computer via flash drive. I bet there's some sort of password required for that, too.
  • Pie tonight, apparently... which means I'm having carbs, because PIE.
  • I have songs to type up and things to write and I just... have no motivation to do any of it. I'd rather sit here and stare at a blank screen or something riveting like that. I'd be more motivated towards the work stuff if I didn't feel so pissy towards THE POWERS THAT BE, and I'd do more writing if I had someone to flail at, probably? Haa...

look - a distractilon..., my sam!muse is oddly bitchy, sam winchester needs a hug, bored erin is bored, askjlam

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