(no subject)

Mar 24, 2010 22:22

  • Shopping while hungry is a bad plan.
    • Especially when you're on a diet.
    • Potato cravings are fierce and dangerous things! They rival pizza cravings and chocolate cravings in their intensity!
  • Friday is Relay for Life! Allll night being up and active and with other people who will be up all night, and it'll be greeeat!
  • Orange TicTacs are goooood, yo.
  • Supernatural tomorrow niiiiiight!! \o/
  • My father, who left us like a year and some weeks ago, is leaving the state in a couple months. And told us by saying SO YOU SHOULD PROBABLY GET YOUR OWN CAR INSURANCE, GUYS, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO BE ON MY POLICY ANYMORE. Way to be a douchebag, dude.
  • Coffee with cinnamon = <3.
    • I can drink nearly-unsweetened coffee so much easier than nearly-unsweetened tea. /random
  • My hair is growing out, and thus has become intense!sidebangs. It actually looks reeally good! But it's time for the rest of my hair to be cut, and if I don't cut them with the rest of my hair, they'll be suuuper long by the time I get the NEXT cut. So... weirdness.
  • Green Orbit!gum is not as good as the pink kind. :(
  • singe_allerdyce got me looking at etsy.com today. So now I'm ....still looking at all the pretty things, 4+ hours later. adfhadfh
  • Ghosts or demons or whatever keep screwing with my sound system, and I am friggin' tired of it.
    •  Note to self: research the building for ghost-inducing / spirit-drawing past events, or if the fact that it's a church-related building is valid enough reason.

family drama!, girly moments sometimes happen, exorcizamus te..., hair, ghosts in the machines?, random

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